Mending the Beast (Awakening Pride #10) - Lacey Thorn Page 0,15

intention of following it. He’d head home as soon as he could, and from there, try to pick up on his mate’s trail. Wait! She’d left him a letter.

“Where’s my letter?” he demanded and noted how each of them clammed up. “From my mate.”

“You heard us talking?” Laura asked.

Daniel nodded, letting them soak in that he knew everything they’d discussed in front of him. The fact he knew Ariel had been staying at his house while he’d been gone. That wasn’t the action of a woman who didn’t want her mate. That was a way of reaching for him. The others had known and not shared it with him, letting him believe he was imagining things. Maybe, they hadn’t realized he was picturing her there, but still. They’d known and never once told him. Christ, it was as if the whole fucking pride thought he and Ariel were too wounded to find their way to one another. Had they ever once considered that mending might begin once they did?

“My mate took off and left a letter behind for me.”

Nobody said anything, neither confirming nor denying what he’d heard. It didn’t matter, though. Daniel had heard them.

“Have you heard from her?” Daniel demanded, and it pissed him off that the room had suddenly gone quiet. He was her mate, yet he was the last person they’d share anything with. As if the woman wasn’t his whole world, even though he’d yet to claim her as his. She didn’t bear his bite, but she owned him heart and soul just the same. “I’ll take your silence to mean you haven’t. I’d like what my mate left at my house for me to find. No one else had the right to take it, and I’ll have words with anyone who stepped into my home without mine or Ariel’s permission.” He gave Tah a pointed stare. “Anyone.”

The other man narrowed his gaze, but Gabriel spoke first. “I’ll find Ariel.”

Daniel whipped his gaze to his brother. “And if I’d said the same to you about Kenzie?”

“It’s not the same,” Gabriel snapped.

“Really? Seems like we both left our mates with the pride, only to have them turn around and take off on their own. Wait. Kenzie took her best friend with her, while my mate is almost certainly alone.”

Gabriel growled while the rest of the males in the room tensed up. All except Tony, who laughed again.

“I had no idea shifters had so much drama,” Tony mused, getting the scowls turned toward him again. He held up his hands in defense. “Sorry. I’ve only got Aleksy to compare to, and I’m telling you that man is as drama-free as they come. Maybe, it’s a primal thing.”

Oh, Daniel really liked Tony. His humor alone was fantastic. There was more, though. He was obviously intelligent or the professor wouldn’t be pushing so much for Tony to share information on Aleksy. Aleksy’s faith in Tony said a lot. From what Daniel gathered, Aleksy was a shifter caught in a permanent primal state. Allowing Tony to have full control of his medical care was a huge endorsement. They’d also mentioned that Zane’s Uncle Orsai had consulted on medical too, but still, the bulk fell to Tony. Daniel wouldn’t mind Tony looking at what was going on with him. From what he’d said about not allowing Aleksy’s information to be shared among the group, Daniel figured he understood confidentiality.

“Listen,” Tah began, but Gideon chose that moment to walk in. Daniel was grateful. He really didn’t want to say something he might regret later. Gideon glanced around, taking in the temperature in the room before focusing on Daniel.

“Blood looks good, but—”

“Shouldn’t you wait and speak to him privately about his bloodwork?” Tony asked, and for once, there was no humor in his voice.

“We don’t keep secrets here,” Tah stated.

“I get that. Totally. But a man’s body is his business. Period.” Tony turned to Daniel. “Do you really want this discussed in front of everyone? I’d like to believe you have a say in that.”

“I’d rather Gideon spoke to me first,” Daniel agreed.

“Bullshit!” Gabriel thundered.

“But Tony can stay,” Daniel added, partly to piss off his brother. He was still ticked about Gabriel thinking it would be okay for Daniel to stay in bed while his brother went to look for Ariel.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Gabriel yelled.

“And my alpha, of course,” Daniel continued.

“Out. Everyone,” Tah interrupted, his voice soft and somehow all the more powerful because of it. “Except Gideon.” Tah glanced at Copyright 2016 - 2024