Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,40

stand her. Guess whose husband has more money than hers.”

“Next, these women are fickle as shit. Now I don’t know what you had in mind when you decided to come here, but since you won’t let me light her ass up, I went ahead and made a phone call that is sure to make Janine see green.”

“Green? What do you mean?” Just then, she looked over my shoulder and waved at someone.

I looked in the direction she was staring in. “Isn’t that Samantha? Grey’s wife?” I’d met the other woman only a couple of times, but each time I’d felt tongue-tied in her presence. She has this air of regality that makes us lesser mortals feel out of place in her orbit. Though she’s been nothing but kind the few times I’ve seen her, I somehow always feel gauche in her presence.

“It sure is, this boss bitch is the cherry on top of the sundae we’re about to serve, Janine. Watch what happens when she walks into that room with you.”

“Ladies!” Samantha had reached us, and even her perfume smelt like money. “Wow, Justine, you look amazing. Janelle, that glass had better have colored milk in it.” Janelle rolled her eyes and took a sip from her drink.

“I forgot you’re the damn breastfeeding police. It’s a virgin, okay, so don’t go blabbing to Jack about my liquid lunch.”

“I’m just looking out for my little man; when are you bringing him by again, by the way?”

“Aren’t you childfree?”

“Yes, but this is the best of both worlds. I get to borrow other people’s kids for a few days or hours and give them back once that madness passes.”

I had no idea what the two of them were talking about. I was now putting things together in my head and was catching on to what Janelle had in mind. It was the perfect way to deal with someone as superficial as Janine. Honestly, I’d only thought of showing up here and infiltrating her little meet-up because I knew that it would piss her off, and maybe dropping a few passive-aggressive hints that were bound to put her on edge, but I was starting to like Janelle’s idea better.

“Are you ready?” Samantha asked me with a smile. I could only nod as the alcohol hit my system. “Follow my lead.” She turned in a cloud of expensive scent, the peach-colored slim-fitting linen dress hitting her just above the knees and showing off her curves to perfection as the three-inch designer heels did the same for her calves. Gosh, I wish I were half as put together as her.

She opened the door in such a way that Janelle and I were hidden from view of the rest of the room for the first few seconds. It was hard to miss the expressions of glee from the other women as they recognized her. Janine started to come forward with a huge welcoming smile on her face. I think at that moment, she thought she’d finally made it since Samantha Grey had made an appearance, but when Samantha stepped aside, and she saw me, the look of confusion on her face was priceless.

“What’re you doing here? You weren’t invited.” The room fell under a hush.

“She’s with me; they’re both with me. Are we not invited?” There was a buzz in the room amongst the other women, and Janine started to backtrack fast.

“Of course you are, I was just…surprised, I guess.”

From that moment on, all the attention shifted to Samantha, and she went out of her way to include Janelle and me in every conversation. Before I knew it, people were asking Janelle about her interior design business she does on the side, and she was showing them pictures of my DIY projects that I have no idea she still had on her phone.

There was a choking sound coming from the front of the room where Janine was standing alone when some of the women exclaimed over some of the pieces and started asking Janelle and I for our cards and inquiring as to how soon they can get an appointment.

Janelle didn’t miss a beat, and as if they’d planned it, she and Samantha were talking about some work she’d done on Samantha’s home and how my pieces would fit right in where. Okay, so it’s true I didn’t have a set plan when I left to come here. I probably would’ve said a few harsh words to Janine to vent my anger and frustration, but this was Copyright 2016 - 2024