Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,25

something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. He reached down between us and found my clit, and that’s all it took to have me going up and over again.

I screamed loud and hard as I came on his cock that was fucking me so good because in here, I knew the kids wouldn’t hear me. Eric covered my lips with his and swallowed those cries anyway, and that only set off another massive orgasm that started in the pit of my stomach and centered in my pussy right where I could feel his cock butting against the entrance to my womb. Sweet mercy.


I was walking on air when I left the house this morning, so the last thing I wanted or expected was to find Janine waiting to ambush me at the door to my office building. I barely restrained myself from snapping at her first thing in the morning and decided to grin and bear whatever fuckery she was going to throw my way.

She kept looking around like a crack head in need of a fix. “What are you doing here, Janine? I thought we said all we had to last night?” I made to enter the building and leave her behind, but she stepped into my path. “I bet you think it’s real funny to turn my own son against me.”

That didn’t deserve a response, so I kept my mouth shut and moved to walk around her. “You have to call him off. He’s going to destroy my whole life. Is that how you raised him? To hate his own mother like this?” She sounded close to tears, but I had no idea if the shit was real or not. She’s always been good at turning on the waterworks to get what she wanted.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. As far as I know, until yesterday, Tyler hasn’t had any contact with you in a while…”

“He called Dan.”

“Come again.” She stepped in closer and whispered the rest of what she had to say.

“He called me last night and asked for Sam and Kristen’s contact info. Something about them needing to know where to mail a letter. But since he’d been so rude to me, I refused to even speak to him, and he hung up the phone and called my husband.”

Don’t laugh, Eric, or she’d lose her shit right here at eight o’clock in the damn morning. “Really? That doesn’t sound like Ty, are you sure it was him? What did he have to say?”

“Well, he didn’t exactly tell Dan that it was him, but I knew it was.”

“What did he say?”

“He asked my husband if he knew what his wife gets up to while he’s at work? Is that any way for a son to treat his own mother, I ask you? I hold you responsible for this.”

“Yes, because I’m the one who pushed you onto another man’s dick and caused you to walk out on your son.”

“That was a long time ago, get over it.”

“See, that’s the thing I did. You’re the one who brought my wife’s ex here, remember? As to Tyler calling your idiot husband unless you have proof, I’d advise you not to accuse my son. On the other hand, if I were you and you’ve pushed him to this point, you’d be wise to give him what he wants or who knows what the hell he’d do next. I wouldn’t push him if I were you.”

“So you’re not going to help me? You’re not going to tell him that he shouldn’t be doing this? If Dan doesn’t calm down, I could be out on the streets behind this. Dan has never suspected me before; now he’s questioning everything, going back through my accounts and threatening divorce if he finds anything off.”

“What does any of this have to do with me?” She opened her mouth to spew more of her shit. I held my hand up to stop her because I honestly did not care one damn. “Like I said. Give him what he asked for. If you’d done that in the first place, you could’ve avoided all of this.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a business to run. Go stir somebody else’s shit for a change and get the hell off my cloud.” I’ve seen her ass more in the last few months since I met Justine than I had in all the years since our divorce. What the hell is Tyler up to?

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