Men Of Honor Eric - Jordan Silver Page 0,21

in life is that I get to spoil my kid. He has pretty much everything I do when it comes to manly gadgets and toys, well, almost all.

My mind took a turn there when I got a look at my wife’s ass as she walked up the stairs ahead of me carrying the orchid. I waited her out impatiently as she found the perfect spot for it in our room. While she did that, I was gathering supplies; my dick was already in the game.

She stopped messing with the plant and looked back at me only to have her eyes land on the shit that was on the bed. “Strip!” She swallowed hard, and her eyes never left the collection of adult toys on the bed. Her hand went to her shirt, and mine went to the button of my jeans; we met halfway when we were both down to our bare skin.

Neither of us spoke with our mouths, but our eyes were saying plenty. I saw the need in hers, and she saw the intent in mine. I grabbed the back of her head roughly but pulled her in gently; she was already keening in her throat. “This morning, I fucked you like I wanted to breed you. Tonight I’m going to fuck you like I own you.”

I took her lips before she could ask what the difference is; she’ll soon find out. Our tongues mated as my hand tightened in her hair, and I walked her backward until the back of her knees hit the mattress. I barely broke our lip connection as I lowered her to the bed before diving back in

I deliberately left her legs and ass hanging off the bed and used my knees to push her thighs apart as I hovered over her. My hand went to her pussy while my tongue played in her mouth. “You’re already wet, good girl.” I left her lips and licked my way down her middle until I came to a stop with my mouth right over her pussy.

Her intoxicating scent hit my nose and made a long string of precum leak to the floor between my feet. “Hold your legs open for me, baby. Wider, that’s it.” She held onto her legs close to the ankle and her pussy lifted in just the right way for me to devour.

I didn’t play around with this shit; it was going to be a long fucking night. I stuck my tongue inside her and licked deep before pulling out and going after her clit. I sucked it out of its hiding place, that little hood that keeps it sheltered until it’s time to play.

She was already revved up, and her moans were increasing. Without taking my mouth away from her, I reached over to her side, where I’d left everything, and picked up the clitoral and G-spot stimulator. That shit stays charged for just such occasions as this.

I put it inside her and turned it on before going back to feasting on her snatch, and she was off to the races. I brought her off on my tongue before reaching for the anal beads. She was leaking precum down the crack of her ass, so there was no need for the lube that I had waiting. Still, I oiled up the beads since these shits were a little bit bigger than normal.

I eased the first fat bead in her ass while licking her pussy and turning up the speed on the stimulator. She writhed and clutched at my head while mumbling unintelligibly. I eased about six or seven beads in her ass while sucking up cunt juice then started a seesawing motion with the beads, pulling them out, then pushing them back in.

When she started pushing my head away, I knew that meant she had grown too sensitive to touch, so I pulled away and got to my feet, reaching for the nipple clamps. Her body was flushed with heat as her eyes followed my every move as I clamped first one, then the other nipple.

“Now, for the fun part. Drop your legs for me, baby.” I eased her up the bed onto the pillows and tied her hands to the headboard with the soft velvet rope ties I’d bought for her. I was the only man she’d ever let tie her up or do any of this freaky shit with, so she was still getting the hang of it. Her shyness only added to my need to dominate her Copyright 2016 - 2024