Melting - Sean Ashcroft Page 0,45


“Me neither,” Hayden said.



We stumbled into the guesthouse joined at the lips, Wes’s hand flailing out to mash the light switch as we narrowly avoided tripping over the couch.

I was having a great birthday so far.

“Birthday boys get whatever they want,” Wes whispered against my mouth, both hands fisted in my shirt.

“Birthday boy wants a shower,” I said, which was maybe not the sexiest thing I could’ve come up with, but we were both covered in sand, Wes smelled of seawater, and we’d been sweating all day.

A shower was the sexiest thing in the world to me right now.

Wes laughed, taking my hand and tugging me toward the bathroom.

“Wait,” I said, pausing to set Otto on the couch. “Don’t let me forget him.”

“I won’t,” Wes promised, the smile on his face so soft and warm that I could’ve crawled into it and fallen asleep.

After a shower.

We didn’t waste any time stripping each other off, hands slipping on buttons and zippers, sandals bouncing off walls as we kicked them free, clothes left in a tangled heap at our feet until I was down to underwear and Wes was down to swim trunks.

“Starting to like these,” I said, running a finger around the waistband.

“Good, because I have two more pairs in case these ever wear out,” Wes said. “They’re kinda my thing.”

“I don’t know why that surprises me,” I said, meeting his eyes shyly. “You’re incredible.”

Wes smiled another one of those ridiculously bright smiles. It was so easy for him to smile. The thing was, when he was around? It was easy for me to smile, too.

That was new.

Kind of terrifying.

But I didn’t want it to stop, either.

I pushed him into the shower, swim trunks and all, pinned him to the tiles, and kissed him like I needed it more than air. I wasn’t sure I didn’t, my whole chest felt tight when I looked at him, and kissing him, touching him, being with him made it easier to breathe.

I was drowning, but as long as he held my hand, I could still breathe.

Wes hummed under me, always happy when I took like this, and by now I was actually convinced that he liked it, that I wasn’t pushing or being demanding, that this was what he wanted and he wouldn’t have nearly as much fun if I didn’t give it to him.

He didn’t think I was pushy or bossy or needy. He thought I was hot.

Wes moaned under me as I shoved his trunks out of the way, pushing them down so they fell to the shower floor with a wet sound, and wrapped my hand around his hard cock.

“This for me?” I asked, stroking the length, hot arousal pooling in my gut at the thought of how hard he was. For me.

That still hadn’t gotten old, and I doubted it would.

“It is your birthday,” Wes said, pupils blown, cheeks flushed, chest already heaving.

“This is,” I began, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to his lips. “A very good,” I added, mouthing my way down his neck, ducking down to suck a bruise onto his collarbone and smirking at the rush of precome that flowed over my hand. “Very thoughtful gift.”

Wes gasped as I dropped to my knees—thirty wasn’t so bad, after all—and came to eye-level with his cock.

“It’s your birthday,” Wes said. “You don’t have to.”

“I want to,” I said, licking my lips. “I’m planning on sucking your cock, dragging you to bed, rimming you until you’re begging me to fuck you, and then giving in as slow and long as you can take it.”

Wes stared at me, mouth hanging open, wet hair dripping down his face. His eyes outright burned with lust, and I’d never felt hotter in my entire life.

I pressed a kiss to his stomach, letting myself inhale the scent of his skin before looking up at him again.

“Because that’s what I want,” I said. “Okay?”

Wes’s throat bobbed as he swallowed.


The only thing better than having Wes come down my throat was having him whimpering under me, face buried in the pillow he was hugging, knees slipping on the sheets as he pushed back against me.

There was nothing hotter than giving him what he wanted, than seeing him like this, right on the verge of begging for my cock, helpless under my mouth.

“Hayden,” he half-growled, half-sobbed, hips rocking in midair, searching for sorely-needed friction for his neglected, leaking cock, already dripping precome beneath us.

“Yeah?” I asked, pressing a kiss to his thigh and smiling as it trembled under Copyright 2016 - 2024