Meet Me at Pebble Beach_ Part Three – Bella Osborne Page 0,4

the tears away from his eyes. ‘Thank you,’ he said, nodding heartily.

‘You’re welcome, Kevin. This is my friend Charlie,’ she said, introducing the two men.

‘Nice to meet you,’ said Charlie. Elvis thrust his nose into Charlie’s groin. ‘Woah, and you too,’ he said, going up on tiptoes.

‘This is Elvis. He’s my dog,’ said Kevin, proudly.

Charlie took charge of setting out the plastic sheet and throws and they settled down for their meal. It was early in May so the evenings were still a little cool but, with the throws over her legs, Charlie one side and Elvis the other, Regan was quite warm.

‘We’re celebrating,’ she said, getting out the beers. ‘I’ve got a new job. Four weeks’ work at the coffee shop.’ She was really looking forward to it, and the thought of some money coming in was a huge relief.

‘Congratulations,’ said Charlie. He bent his head as if he was about to give her a quick kiss and then thought better of it. The gesture broke her heart just a fraction. Their fledgling relationship had been so easy, and now she felt like she needed to remember every little moment in case he wasn’t here tomorrow. She swallowed hard. She had to get a grip on her emotions. She still hadn’t given him a final answer about their future, and it was hard to think straight when she knew Charlie’s own future had an end date.

Charlie popped the top off three bottles and passed them round. She watched Kevin lift the beer to his lips, his eyes closed. He took one long swig and seemed to pause. Regan wondered if she’d done the right thing getting alcohol. ‘Kevin, I’ve got Coke if you’d rather.’ Although, from his expression, he was definitely enjoying the beer. She’d sometimes seen homeless people drinking alcohol on the streets, but she’d never seen Kevin with anything other than coffee or water.

He shook his head. ‘Haven’t had a beer for years. Wasn’t allowed with my medication. But I don’t take that any more.’

‘That’s good,’ she replied.

‘I still have my ups and downs, but nothing like before,’ said Kevin.

Regan nodded her understanding. She didn’t like to probe.

Someone speaking into a microphone on the pier above drew their attention. She couldn’t make out exactly what was said because they weren’t able to get directly underneath where the band were playing, due to the sea, but it was followed by applause. Then the band started.

After a couple of songs, the day’s warmth was ebbing away and the sea breeze made her shiver.

‘Come on,’ said Charlie, lifting his arm for her to snuggle. She hesitated for a moment. What harm could it do? She cuddled up to Charlie. Elvis rested his head on her lap and looked at her adoringly. Fickle creature, she thought. He was only like that because she’d filled him full of dog food.

The music echoed above them and she was lost in it. It was an indie rock band playing a mix of covers and originals. As the sun packed up shop for the day and the moon started its shift, Regan watched the light dance across the surface of the water as if accompanying the music. Everything seemed so perfect – except for one thing. She cast an eye at Charlie and he gave her a similar look to Elvis. A spark of happiness glowed inside her for a moment, but it was snuffed out like the sun slipping into the sea. She closed her eyes tight. She had a choice to make, and it would be the hardest she had ever faced – embark on something with Charlie that had the potential to be very special but would likely shatter her heart, or go for the self-preservation option and walk away.

Kevin was really knowledgeable about music. He and Charlie chatted like old friends about one-hit wonders and their favourite lyrics. Regan listened to them, happy to be in the moment, sitting on the beach in the moonlight, sipping a beer and sharing an evening with friends. It was far easier to think about now than what the future might hold. Now was clear and easy and tangible.

When the music had finished they packed up their things.

‘Where are you staying tonight?’ Regan asked Kevin whilst Charlie rolled up the plastic sheet.

‘It looks like rain, so I might head for North Street. There’s some cover by the shops there.’

It didn’t feel right when she had a roof over her head. ‘Do you want the plastic?’

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