Meant to Be Immortal (Argeneau #32) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,91

tongue slid past her lips and set off an explosion of nuclear proportions in not just her mouth but her body. A spontaneous combustion of need flared through her, zipping from her mouth down and out to every nerve end she had. She felt her nipples instantly pebble; heat pooled low in her belly. Heck, her very skin tingled in response, all the way down to her damned toes, and CJ had the instant mad urge to rub herself all over him like a cat in heat. It was crazy insane. He hadn’t even touched her yet except where he was grasping her arms.

She’d barely had the thought when Mac used the hold on her arms to urge her backward. She felt something against the backs of her legs and then he was lowering her to lie on it—the sofa, she realized as she sank into its cushions. He immediately came down on top of her, his weight a welcome full-body press that had her moaning into his mouth as he kissed her over and over.

They were making out like teenagers, but CJ didn’t recall any of her juvenile make-out sessions being quite so desperately passionate. She was wrapped around him now and clinging like English ivy with both her arms and legs, her hips grinding instinctively up into his. They were both still fully clothed, and yet excitement was pounding through her like a bass drum in a cave, echoing out and back, crashing against her so that her entire body seemed to be vibrating with the need he was stirring to violent life in her.

His hand slid between them to find one of her breasts, squeezing almost painfully through the material separating them, and CJ cried out and arched into the touch, egging him on. What she really wanted was for him to tear her shirt off so he could touch her bare skin. Unfortunately, her clothes didn’t suddenly disappear as they had in her dream, and she couldn’t tell him what she wanted with his tongue in her mouth. Instead, she grasped a handful of his T-shirt and started dragging it up his back, hoping to at least be able to touch his skin.

It was all the prodding Mac needed; in the next moment he’d started to move, lifting upward. With her arms around him, CJ went with him, their mouths clinging as he shifted them so that she was sitting up and he was kneeling with his knees on either side of her legs. CJ felt air touch the skin of her back and midriff, and then he broke their kiss and her shirt was coming off over her head. The moment the cloth was out of the way, he was kissing her again as his hands slid around to undo and then remove her bra. While he tossed that aside, CJ reached for the hem of his shirt again and jerked it upward until Mac took over the task and removed his own shirt. It meant breaking their kiss again, but this time CJ lowered her head and, spotting his broad chest and the hard nipples on it, she zeroed in on one and claimed it with her mouth.

“Oh, Christ, yes,” Mac growled, gliding one hand up into her hair to cup the back of her head as he tossed his shirt aside with the other hand.

CJ smiled against his chest, suckled lightly, and then flicked one finger over the excited bud only to still as she became aware of the way touching him caused her pleasure too. Stiffening, she raised confused eyes to him, but Mac kissed her at once, his mouth hard and demanding as he urged her to lie back on the couch again. By the time his chest covered hers, she’d forgotten what had troubled her, and luxuriated in the feel of his chest hairs rubbing against her nipples.

She moaned in disappointment when he began to shift down her body. But then he cupped one breast and closed his lips over the areola and the hard pebble at its center, and CJ murmured incomprehensibly as his warm, wet mouth encompassed her and began to suckle. The sensation was so intense, the excitement so overwhelming, it felt like he was drawing her soul out of her body. Clutching at the short hair at the back of his neck, she urged him on, her body twisting under his, and then she felt his other hand drift down to press between her legs and Copyright 2016 - 2024