Meant to Be Immortal (Argeneau #32) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,108

frowned a little as she began to worry he’d find it too sleepy and countrified for his tastes like her ex-husband, Billy, had. She fretted over that briefly, but then decided that if he did, it would be a sign that they would never work out, and was a good thing to know, especially this early in the relationship. It could prevent heartache later. At least that’s what she told herself. But the truth was, it would cause heartache now if he was like Billy that way anyway. Because CJ was afraid she was already half in love with the man.

How could she not be? He’d proven himself to be extremely considerate the last couple of days, leaving her alone for the most part while she was writing her report, but checking on her several times a day, bringing her coffee, or lunch and making her stop to eat it. He’d also come up to tell her when dinner was ready, and dragged her down to join the others for a meal before she’d escaped back to her room to continue writing. Then he’d come up at midnight, to lure her to bed where he helped her relax with crazy, passionate sex that had left her unconscious at the end. The man had been exactly what she’d needed. God, she really hoped he liked her little cottage retreat at Pelee Island.


“I think I love this place.”

CJ finished pouring water into the coffeepot and turned to stare at Mac as he walked into the kitchen. The man was naked as the day he’d been born and completely comfortable with it as he crossed from the bedroom door to where she stood in her robe, with a coffeepot in hand.

It was their last morning on the island. Today they had to catch the 10 a.m. ferry and then ride back to Mississauga in Marguerite and Julius’s RV where they would drop her off before continuing on to their own home. That had been Marguerite’s idea. There was no sense her driving separately when they had so much room in the RV, she’d insisted. Since it had meant she wouldn’t have to leave her car in the parking lot on the mainland for two weeks while she was on the island, CJ had allowed herself to be talked into it. She kept an old beater on the island for transportation to avoid the cost of ferrying her car back and forth every time she visited.

Of course, her riding in the RV with the others had meant a quick drive home to leave her car there, and a train ride back to Sandford where Marguerite and the others had been waiting to collect them. But Mac had accompanied her, and despite the inconvenience, it had been more fun riding with the others. The whole trip had been more fun with everyone there. It was the end of September, but they’d been lucky when it came to weather. The temperatures had been in the high seventies and had even hit the low eighties a couple of times. It had been two weeks of lazy days by the water, swimming or fishing, or walking the trails at the point with the others, evenings sitting around a campfire laughing and chatting, and nights of passion with Mac. Still, it hadn’t been what her husband would have considered exciting. There was no clubbing or theme parks here. It had mostly been peace and quiet and nature, and Mac had lived in New York for ten years. CJ had really worried that he would find this all too bucolic.

“Really?” she asked, setting the carafe on the burner and turning on the coffee machine. Then she turned and let her gaze slide over his beautiful body. One she’d enjoyed a great deal over the last two weeks, and in various and sundry places. They’d made love on the beach, in her fishing boat, in the lake, and every room in the cottage. Actually, they’d made love every chance they’d got, which hadn’t been much during the day unless it rained thanks to Marguerite, Julius, Bricker, and Decker living just next door in the RV. But she could only think that was a good thing, otherwise she suspected she and Mac would have spent the full two weeks in bed, and that wouldn’t have been very helpful in finding out if he liked the island as he was now claiming. Clearing her throat, she asked, “You don’t find it too slow Copyright 2016 - 2024