Meant To Be (The Callahans #4) - Monica Murphy Page 0,40

like getting my hopes up. I’m always waiting for him to realize that he doesn’t really want to talk to me anymore,” Ellie admits. “I’m sure he’ll ghost me any day now.”

“Oh my God, Ellie. You are so negative.” I give her shoulder a tiny shove. Nothing too major, so she doesn’t wreck. “Are you just sending photos to each other or are you actually talking?” I’m so curious. Maybe there’s more going on than she wants to admit, for fear of jinxing it.

“At first, it was just photos. And all of his photos were so hot, I swear he could be a model,” Ellie says with a little groan. “Compared to him, I’m so boring.”

“You are not,” I say irritably because I’m definitely irritated. This girl needs to see her worth, not worry that she’s not worthy. “Tell me more about these evolving conversations between you two.”

“Right. So after a few days of endless photos back and forth, I finally sent him a photo with me making a goofy face and asking how his day was. And he responded right away telling me it was good, and then he asked me how mine was,” she explains.

“Okay.” I draw the word out. Sounds fairly mundane.

“And it sort of took off from there. He’s told me a lot about himself. About how he used to always move around when he was younger, and how much he hated it. How he loves playing the guitar and football, and how much he likes living here. He’s actually very interesting,” Ellie says.

“But that’s it. You’ve only talked. Now you see him tonight and nothing else happened?” I ask.

“He hugged me before I left.” Another dreamy sigh leaves her. “He’s really muscular. And so tall.”

“Well, you’re kind of short so…” I let my voice drift, grinning when she sends me an annoyed glance. “I’m teasing.”

“No, it’s true. I’m short. And he’s tall. So tall. And broad. I just want to run my fingers through his hair, Ava. Just once. So I know what it feels like.” Her voice lowers. “It looks really, really soft.”

“Girl, you’ve got it so bad,” I tease her, making her laugh. For real this time.

“True. You’ve got it bad too. You and Eli are really back together then? I’m happy for you but…how will your parents feel about that?”

I remain quiet as Ellie comes to a stop sign and turns onto the main road that leads back into town, where her house is. “I have to tell my parents Eli and I are back together. He got mad when he found out I lied to them about where I’m at tonight.”

“Oh.” She’s quiet for a moment too. “Doesn’t he understand how delicate a situation this is?”

“He doesn’t get why I can’t just be honest. He believes I’m treating him like a dirty little secret. That’s a direct quote.” His words and the pain on his face made me feel terrible.

More than anything, his accusations made me feel guilty.

“I mean, you sort of do treat him that way, but you have good reason to. You go to a different school. He shit talked your brother endlessly. They got into a fight. Eli screwed around with Jake’s now ex. Their rivalry is pretty well-known around the area. I’m sure your parents don’t think the best about him.” Ellie makes a face. “You’d think he’d get it.”

“But he’s right. I can’t treat him like my secret any longer. If we’re going to be together, really together, then I have to put it out there for the world to see. I have to show him I’m proud to be seen with him,” I explain. “That’s why he’s upset. He thinks I’m ashamed of him, or something.”

“You’re not, are you?”

“No, not at all,” I say, feeling defensive. “I’m in love with him.”

“Then I guess he wants you to prove it,” Ellie says.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I stare out the window, watching as the city lights come into view. Grabbing my phone, I send the quickest text to Eli, not expecting an answer.

I’m telling my parents about us tomorrow. I swear I’m not ashamed of you, Eli.

But he does send me a response. And it’s only two words. The very ones Ellie just said to me.

Prove it.

“We’re going to the Bulldogs game. You’re going with us, right?” Mom asks me the next morning when I walk in the door. I spent the night at Ellie’s, but she had to be at work at ten, so she dropped me Copyright 2016 - 2024