Meant To Be (The Callahans #4) - Monica Murphy Page 0,31

banish them away. Without thought, I begin gently swaying to the music as Jackson plays, absorbing the plaintive way he sings the lyrics. Ellie smiles over at me, grabbing my hand as we both move to the beat, and when I look across the crowd, I see a boy standing directly behind Jackson, a beer bottle clutched in one hand, his gaze on me.

Only for me.

My heart drops. It’s Eli. I hope he’s listening to the lyrics too, though his expression is extra serious. Jackson keeps singing, the song coming to its end and he croons that you’ll know, you will know and he’s right.

I know.

I love Eli. And he loves me. Why are we wasting our time staring at each other when we could be talking? Touching?

“I have to go,” I whisper to Ellie, just as Jackson ends the song with one final strum on the guitar and the crowd breaks into enthusiastic applause. I pull her into a quick hug and say into her ear, “I see Eli.”

“Go talk to him,” she says, hugging me back before she releases me.

“You’ll be okay?” I ask. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“I’m definitely not alone,” she says, humor lacing her voice as she glances around. We’re surrounded by people, so I guess she’s right. “Besides, I’ll talk to Jackson when he takes a break.”

“Okay.” I glance over to see Eli is still standing there, watching me. “I’ll find you later.”

“Sounds good.”

I make my way through the crowd, pushing through clusters of people talking, smiling and apologizing as I walk past them. I don’t want to lose him, but now I can’t see him, and for all I know, he took off when he realized I’m searching for him. Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. Maybe we’re—

“Hey, hey sexy. Where do you think you’re going?” Strong fingers wrap around my upper arm, stopping my pursuit, and when I glance up, I almost sag with relief.

Eli. Looking so handsome dressed all in black, I feel a little weak in the knees as I take him in.

“I was coming to find you,” I tell him, sounding out of breath.

He doesn’t let go of me. I take that as a good sign. “Well, here I am.”

We say nothing for a moment, just stare into each other’s eyes. His grip on my arm loosens, but he still keeps hold of me. Actually, he tugs me closer, his head dropping, so he can murmur close to my ear, “Let’s find somewhere more private.”

Saying nothing, I go along with him, sad when he lets go of my arm. Happy all over again when he rests his hand lightly against my lower back, the heat of his touch penetrating my sweater, making me tingle. He greets someone who calls his name. Gives a guy a high five as we walk past him. He is the master of his domain at this party tonight and I watch in silent awe, proud to be with him, standing next to him.

I really have it bad for this boy.

“Don’t let go,” he says, when he snags my hand before we enter the crowded cabin. “I don’t want to lose you.”

His words have double meaning, lighting me up inside. I cling to his hand, our fingers intricately tangled as he basically drags me through the cabin to the short hallway that leads to the bedrooms. For some reason, the room we enter is empty, and he pulls me inside, letting go of my hand to close and then lock the door.

Turning, I face him, watching as he leans against the door, contemplating me. I kept my hair in a high ponytail because it would’ve taken too much time to fix after being that way for the last twenty-four hours. Definitely got rid of the bow though. Slicked on some extra black eyeliner. Glossed up my lips. Was going for a I don’t care, fuck boys’ attitude, but I’m sure I now look like a pitiful beggar who’ll do anything to get her man back.

That’s how I feel, at least.

“You look hot,” he says, after approximately thirty seconds of silence.

My skin warms with his compliment, but I pretend to be offended. “Really Eli? We haven’t seen each other in a week, and that’s the first thing you say to me?”

I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s so typical Eli.

He shrugs. “It’s the truth. I like the cropped sweater. I can see skin.”

I tug on the hem of Copyright 2016 - 2024