Maybe This Time - By Joan Kilby Page 0,99

job and...and...

By the time they reached her vehicle she’d run out of words to hold her there. She unlocked the door and Darcy put Billy in his car seat. He made sure the straps were snug and the catch securely fastened. “See you soon, mate.”

When he straightened, his eyes were glistening. “Keep in touch.”

“I will.”

He held out his arms to her, so obviously trying to avoid being emotional that he did it almost jokingly. With a nervous laugh she went into his embrace. She aimed for his cheek. He aimed for her mouth. They bumped faces, laughed and tried again. A quick kiss on the mouth, a burning meeting of the eyes. Then Darcy quickly turned and walked into the pub.

Emma blinked a few times and got into her car and drove away. It really was that easy. Not.

* * *

THE APARTMENT WAS too quiet with Emma and Billy gone. Darcy roamed the rooms, crowded with furniture, and felt the emptiness seep into his bones.

This was nuts. They’d been with him for less than two weeks. Now he had his life and his space back, he could get on with renovating the pub. At least if he kept busy, he wouldn’t notice their absence as much.

He heard the buzzer that let him know someone was outside the back door and wanted in. His heart picked up. It was an hour too early to be Gary. Maybe Emma had changed her mind and come back. Darcy pounded down the stairs. Or she’d forgotten something, although the rooms had been bare when he’d looked through them.

He yanked open the door, puffing a little. Alana stood there. “Oh, it’s you. Hey.”

“Hey, yourself. Boy, you really raced down the stairs. Were you expecting a strip-o-gram or something?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? I thought Emma might have forgotten something.”

“Ah,” she said knowingly. “Missing her already, are you?”

Darcy gave her a look but didn’t respond.

“Does that mean she’s already left?” Alana asked. “I came to help her move. I should have called first.”

“You missed her by ten minutes.” He waited for her to make her excuses and leave. “If you hurry, you can probably help her carry her suitcases up.”

She turned to go then paused. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. Do you want to come in for coffee?”

“No, thanks—this will be quick. I just wondered if you really do like being a father again. Because you were so certain before that you didn’t. Now Emma says you’re some kind of superdad. Are you being genuine or just making the best of a bad deal?”

“Did she tell you to ask me this?” Darcy said, mystified. He didn’t think he could have been clearer to Emma that he truly wanted to be a father to Billy.

“No, I’m asking for myself. I’m curious.”


“Dave and I are talking about, well, about a lot of stuff, but mainly about having another child. I’m considering it, but I’m not sure. What if I do agree and have a baby and then regret it?”

“I couldn’t speak for you. And you won’t know for certain how you’ll feel until it happens. All I can say is that when I looked into Billy’s face I fell in love with him instantly.”

Alana chewed on her bottom lip. “Instantly, really?”

“I would never have predicted that would happen. Mind you, it must be different for everyone. There’s no right or wrong.”

“Do you really think so? I’ve been feeling guilty about not wanting a baby.”

“Don’t. You can’t help what you feel. What you need to figure out is how much of your not wanting a baby is due to being pressured by Dave.”

“Exactly!” Excited, she stabbed a finger at him. “He doesn’t get that. I don’t think even Emma does.”

“If she hadn’t pushed so hard, I might have come around to the idea and we would never have gotten divorced.” Seeing Alana change gears to rev up in Emma’s defense, he held up a hand. “I said might. I was to blame for other things.”

“But you’re right,” Alana said, subsiding again. “I could ask Dave for a moratorium on baby talk for six months so I can sort out how I really feel.”

“That sounds like a good idea. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. In the meantime, keep talking to Dave. Who knows, maybe whatever it is you’re afraid of is just in your head.”

“What makes you think I’m afraid of something?”

“Everyone’s vulnerable on some level.”

She glanced at her feet, and scuffed the pavement with Copyright 2016 - 2024