Maybe This Time - By Joan Kilby Page 0,101

unless they made some sort of commitment. The times they’d made love had been fantastic, but she wouldn’t be happy doing it again without knowing they had a future.

The clock radio came on. Six o’clock. Time to get up. The newsreader droned in the background as she moved between the bathroom and her room, washing, getting dressed. Across the hall Billy was babbling to himself in his crib. Was it coincidence that he’d gotten over his colic and his general grumpiness when Darcy had come into their lives? Maybe it was because she was less stressed. Maybe it was simply his natural development. Now when he woke in the morning he didn’t immediately cry to be picked up. His morning soliloquies were a great delight. No intelligible words, of course, just pure sound but she would swear that to him, he was making total sense.

For the next hour she was occupied in her routine of feeding Billy, having breakfast, tidying up. While she hadn’t been paying attention, the seasons had moved along, and spring was in full bloom. She left the door open to the small balcony off the living room so Billy could sit in his playpen with his toys in the fresh air and sunshine.

It was so inviting she stepped outside. In the backyard of the house next door, an old man was working in his vegetable patch. Suddenly she missed her tomatoes. At this time of year she should have the seedlings planted and the stakes in the ground ready to tie up the trusses.

The balcony caught the sun for most of the day. She couldn’t buy a house with a yard and a garden, but a few potted plants would provide some much-needed greenery. Although it was too late in the year to start plants from seed, the garden center would be bursting with seedlings.

“Come on, Billy, we’re going shopping.”

Then she thought about trying to carry large pots plus bags of soil plus seedlings and push Billy in the stroller. Darcy had mentioned yesterday that he had the contractor coming again today, so she didn’t want to burden him with babysitting duties. She could wait for the weekend.... Or she could ask Marge.

As she was dialing the number she had a better idea. “Marge, it’s Emma. When I saw Roy yesterday he was doing much better. Do you have any more news?”

“He’s coming home the day after tomorrow.” The relief in Marge’s voice was palpable.

“Oh, then I guess you’re busy getting ready for him.”

“Not really. I’ve been doing nothing but housework and baking to keep busy while he’s been sick.” She paused then added hopefully, “Did you need me to look after Billy?”

“I do need your help. I want to go to the garden center, but I can’t manage on my own. Would you be able to come? There’s a café there. We could have lunch.”

“I would love that. I’ll buy Roy some potted freesias for his homecoming. I can be ready anytime. When do you want to go?”

At the garden center, Marge pushed Billy in the stroller while Emma maneuvered the trolley through the outdoor aisles. Three big bags of potting mix lay beneath large black plastic pots. Now she was selecting tomato seedlings—cherry, roma, beefsteak, black Russian...oh, and some of these heritage varieties. Was that too many for her tiny balcony? She’d thought she was over gardening, but cruising through these aisles gave her planting fever.

“Darcy was over last night,” Marge said.

Emma’s ears pricked up. “Oh?”

“Do you think he’d like lemon basil?”


“Roy. Darcy and I went to visit him.”

She loved Marge to bits, but the older woman’s conversation tended to be fragmented. “I think he’d love it.”

“He talked about you.”



“Did he say anything in particular?” Like he was thinking of asking her to get back together. Would he talk about that with his mother? They were close but...

“He said you two are going to work out an arrangement about Billy.” Marge touched her arm and smiled. “I’m so happy about that. I was thrilled when you rang this morning. I don’t see why we can’t still see each other even if you and Darcy aren’t married.”

“You’re Billy’s grandparents. I will always want you in our lives.” Emma gave her a hug. “We’re friends, no matter what happens between Darcy and I.”

So, Darcy hadn’t mentioned anything about wanting a future with her. What if he didn’t think she wanted him? She’d told him she was fine on her own, that she wanted to raise Billy Copyright 2016 - 2024