Maximum Commitment (Sin City #13) - Tricia Owens Page 0,48

final night in the apartment and all year I’ve been watching you park your bike and walk past my window.”

“Have I ever looked inside?” Max asked.

Ethan licked his lips. “Your head has turned toward the window, yeah. But with the helmet on the and the shield down—I don’t know what you’ve seen.”

“I’ve seen everything,” Max murmured.

Ethan’s dick pulsed. Breath catching, he slowly spread his legs to make space for his growing problem.

“Your window is large and it’s covered by broken blinds,” Max went on. “You think you’ve had privacy, but you haven’t. I’ve been watching you.”

“Perv,” Ethan murmured.”

“You’ve been stalking me, too. Watching me come home every night. But I’m not bound by a schedule. I come and go as I please. And when I do, I look in your window. When you’re not aware. When you think you’re all alone...When you’re misbehaving.”

“Sounds like me,” Ethan agreed. His jeans were growing cramped. He thought about tearing them open, but the buildup of frustration was part of the fun.

“I’ve seen you,” Max told him. “You leave the door to your bathroom open and your shower curtains are clear.”

“Peeping Tom,” Ethan accused, enjoying the fantasy of being spied on by this mysterious neighbor. “That means you’ve seen me touching myself.”

“I’ve seen you with your hand around your dick, stroking it slowly, teasing yourself.”

Ethan shifted in his seat, wanting to mimic his fantasy self. “I do it a lot.”

“I’ve also seen you with your fingers inside you, riding them as you imagined being taken.”

“Shit,” Ethan breathed. He gave in and cupped the erection that filled out the front of his jeans. “I imagine it’s you,” he confessed as he palmed himself. “It’s you stuffed up inside me.”

“My fingers?”

“Yes, rubbing me and stretching me.”

“You’ll need to stretch yourself for a long time if you want to get all of my cock up your ass.”

“I do,” Ethan whimpered as heat climbed up his throat and into his cheeks. “I want it all.”

“And yet for a year you haven’t said anything.” Max paused, letting the tension climb. “Are you afraid of me?”

Ethan shuddered as lust ripped through him. It was only a fantasy, a story spun on the spot, but with Max taking it so seriously, Ethan couldn’t help but do the same. He massaged himself through his jeans.

“I’m not...afraid. Not of being hurt by you. I’m...intimidated. I’ve never seen you without your helmet on. You’re like a figment of my imagination. All the leather, the motorcycle—everything screams power and male and I can’t help myself from wanting you. I want to know what it’s like to be close to you. To be bent by you. Forced by you...Without knowing anything about you.”

“Then come closer,” Max beckoned softly, his tone and words pulling a groan from Ethan. He squeezed himself through the denim.

“It’s my last night in the apartment,” Ethan said, panting quietly. “I figure I have nothing left to lose. If you reject me, I’ll never see you again. But if you want me...” The tension is sweet in his veins. “After you come home that night, I knock on your door. I’m so nervous. But I’m excited, too. My heart’s pounding a million beats a second.” He rolled his hips up against his hand. “When you answer the door, you’re still wearing everything. The leather jacket and pants, the helmet. Like they’re intrinsic to who you are and they never come off. I still can’t see who you are.”

“It doesn’t matter who I am.”

The firm statement made him want to groan. It was perfect.

“It doesn’t matter,” Ethan agreed, breathless. He pictured Max’s dark figure in the doorway. “It doesn’t. I don’t have to say a word. You back up and I follow you inside. You don’t even bother to shut the door. You don’t care if anyone sees, because they’ll see only me.”

“See you doing what, Ethan?”

He tipped his head back against the seat rest. “Dropping to my knees and unzipping your pants. Your cock smells like leather. Like musk and sweat. You’re already hard and when I look up at you—” He breathed noisily through his nose. “I can’t see your expression and it makes me feel...”

“It makes you feel what?” Max demanded.

“So weak,” Ethan moaned softly. He caressed his chest with his free hand. “It’s like I’m nothing to you. You’re this powerful man and I’m nothing, just a hot mouth to service you. You intimidate me by simply existing. And that makes me desperate to please you.”

“Then open your mouth,” Max Copyright 2016 - 2024