Max - Bey Deckard Page 0,29

his throat and lifted his hand away from the phone. “Mrs. Crane? Yes, so sorry about that. Turns out that the personality disorders lecture next door went longer than scheduled. He said he’ll message you the moment he’s able to. Okay. Yes.” Max gave a throaty little chuckle, exactly the kind someone would give if they dealt with the public all day long. Crane shook his head at the flawless performance, and Max mimed shooting a gun into his temple. “Yes, you too, Mrs. Crane. Have a lovely day.”

Crane let out a relieved sigh, but then something occurred to him. “But… wait… you called her from my cell. Why didn’t she see it on the display?”

“Magic,” said Max with a sly grin. He tapped a few times on Crane’s phone and tossed it to him. There was a new app on it called Support Help. He recognized the Talis Wireless logo and then noticed he was connected to the Talis network.

“What…” Crane said, confused. “But that’s not my provider.”

“I switched you over yesterday. Got you a great deal. Twice the data, and the coverage is a hell of a lot better than that crap you were paying for.” Max sat back down on the bed. “I did a stint in tech support for a while at Talis because Mum wanted me to get into the biz with my step-daddy. Bo-ring. But I did get to use some fun little tools and made some rather unscrupulous programmer friends there who knew some fun little tricks—like using the backdoor in the help assistant to manually input the caller ID.”

“But… How is that possible?”

“I dunno. Not my area of expertise… And you’re welcome.”

Frowning, Crane stared at him. After Max took Crane’s glass away to set it on the bedside table, Max’s expression went sly, and he leaned towards Crane as if he was going to kiss him. Crane stopped him with a hand, letting out a small groan of pain when the quick motion jarred him. “Stop it, Max.”

Max let out a dramatic sigh. “You’re really not feeling well, eh?”

“No. Not at all.” Crane crushed his eyelids closed and massaged his temples.

After a moment, he heard: “Here.” Opening his eyes, he saw that there was a little blue pill nestled in Max’s palm. He looked at it suspiciously.

“What is it?” It didn’t look like aspirin.

“Just ibuprofen. Off-brand. Take it. You’ll feel better.” When Crane didn’t reach for it, Max rolled his eyes and popped it into his mouth, taking a swallow of Crane’s coconut-vodka water to wash it down. He held out his tongue for a second to show it was gone, then reached into the bedside drawer, pulled out a small white bottle and shook out another of the blue pills. Crane accepted it but couldn’t help but notice that the bottle had no label. He didn’t say anything. What was the point? In for a penny, in for a pound. He felt like reality was oozing away from him. With a grimace, he swallowed down the pill.

“There. That’ll make you right,” cooed Max, reaching again for Crane. When Crane ducked away from Max’s touch, Max shook his head.

“Geez, Doc, make up your mind. First, you’re giving me a killer blowjob, then you won’t even let me offer you a little tenderness.”

“What?” He stared at Max, his heart struggling to push the sludge that was his blood through his veins. He was lightheaded. Blowjob? “I’ve never…”

Max nodded slowly, his grin wicked.

“No. I wouldn’t.”

“Oh, but you did.” Max reached for his laptop and tapped a few buttons. The peaceful, flowery meadow was replaced by a slightly blurry, top-down shot of Crane kneeling in front of Max. Max’s cock was in one of his hands, his lips barely touching the head of it. Max chuckled. “You’re really good, considering you claim to be an amateur.”


Another picture, taken maybe a second after the first: his face was flushed, his eyes squeezed shut, mouth around the head of Max’s cock.

Crane let out a harsh noise.


This picture was obviously taken a few minutes later. The angle had changed. Max and he were on the bed. He had a smile on his face as he teasingly held his tongue to the tip of Max’s cock.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The pictures flicked by, more scenes of him putting Max’s dick in his mouth and smiling… smiling like he loved it.

Max placed the laptop on the bed and walked his fingers across Crane’s thigh to where his cock was pushing up the Copyright 2016 - 2024