Mate Abduction (Alien Abduction #9) - Eve Langlais Page 0,41

beam and his eyes would glow and then they’d make love.

Yes, love.

Because that was what she felt for him.

Pure, unadulterated love.

The revelation had her wanting to announce it to Thyos, but he’d gone to deal with some village crisis. Who knew when he’d be back?

Given she had a bit of time, she headed to the hangar hosting the ship to talk to Ishtara. To explain she wouldn’t be leaving with her.

Her friend didn’t take it well. “What do you mean you love the male?” She wrinkled her beak in repugnance.

“I know it’s quick, but I feel things for Thyos. I want to stay here and explore those feelings.”

“Feelings? Caw! It’s called good coitus. You probably have a child planted in your womb making you irrational.”

“I’m not pregnant. I don’t think.” She placed a hand on her belly and wondered.

“You have a mission to complete,” Ish reminded.

“A mission that doesn’t need me anymore. I’ll have him give you the coordinates once I tell him I’m staying.”

“Are you sure he wants you to stay?” The sly remark came from Thuniana, another of Thyos’s sisters, who came sliding out of Ishtara’s room, belting a robe over her muscled physique. Clarabelle didn’t even want to try and decipher the logistics of how that worked.

She’d met Thuniana only briefly a few days ago, under Thyos watchful—and glaring—gaze. Long enough to know the woman didn’t like her. And she really didn’t care.

“I’m his sykyrah.” The first time she’d said it aloud, but it felt right.

“Are you sure? I don’t see the bond.” Thuniana eyed her coldly. “Surely with the amount of copulation you’ve indulged in it should be apparent by now.”

Would it, though, given she’d only just realized she was in love? “Says you. How can you even tell?”

Thuniana rolled her shoulders. “There’s not any visible sign if that’s what you’re asking. It just is. And you don’t have it.”

“He said there’s a ritual.”

Thuniana laughed. “Did my brother lie? I’m surprised. Makes me wonder if he’s telling the truth about you being his sykyrah. After all, males will say anything for sex.”

Clarabelle wasn’t about to believe the word of someone who’d been clear in her dislike for her. “Say what you like. I’m going to get my answers from Thyos.”

“And what if you don’t like them? Will you grovel and beg him to keep you?” Thuniana taunted.

“Red Tide begs no one,” Ish declared, then to Clarabelle, “Snap out of it. You’re obviously quim addled.”

“What? No.” She was horny for him, but she hadn’t lost all her wits. “I don’t see what the problem is with me talking to Thyos. I don’t trust her.” She jerked her head in Thuniana’s direction.

“Are you calling me a liar?”


No surprise Thuniana hissed and threw herself at Clarabelle. But she was ready for the other woman and managed to duck enough to shove her shoulder into Thuniana’s midsection and lift her off her feet before slamming her to the floor.

It would have been an interesting fight if Ishtara hadn’t cheated and jabbed her with a syringe.

When Clarabelle next woke, it was days later in her bed on board the ship without Thyos. Abducted by her own friend.

She went stomping to the bridge and yelled, “How dare you?”

Ish didn’t look one bit apologetic as she said, “About time you woke up.”

“You drugged me!”

“For your own good. You were going to stay with that male.” Spoken with disdain.

“Hell yeah I was because I love him.”

“Do you?” Ishtara leaned back from the console. “If you love him so much, then turn us around. But do it quick. We’re about to enter an asteroid field.”

“I don’t remember an asteroid field on the way into his star system.”

“We left in a different direction.”

“Trying to muddy the trail so he can’t come after me,” she accused.

“Foolish little human. He is not coming after you. He is the one who gave us the coordinates once he realized you were leaving.”

“You lie. He would have wanted to speak to me first.”

“Would he?” Ish asked slyly. “Perhaps his sister was correct and he is relieved by your departure.”

“No, he wanted me to stay. You had no right. I want to go back. We’re meant to be together.”

“Are you sure?” her friend asked. “Or did you simply settle for the first male who made your quim quiver?”

She opened her mouth to reply and then shut it. Ishtara asked a valid question. Had she fallen for Thyos because he truly was her soulmate or because she’d not met anyone else?

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