Mastered by the Berserkers (Berserker Brides #8) - Lee Savino Page 0,15

promise of what was to come. All I had to do was let my legs fall open and accept what pleasure would come.

Fenrir’s tongue traced along the edge of my ear, teasing each ridge. Each stroke of his tongue reverberated through my body, the golden waves growing in size and intensity.

Then he thrust his tongue into my ear.

I gasped and the sound seemed to echo through the lodge. Across the fire pit, Jarl leaned forward, almost into a crouch. His firelit form was as monstrous as the shadows he cast. Flame and shadow turned him into a demon ready to drag me to the pit of hell.

Fenrir’s beard scraped my neck and ear. “Shhhh, little one.” His large hand reaffirmed its gentle grip on my throat.

And then I realized what I’d been chanting, over and over. Kyrie eleison, Christos eleison. My chest was tight as if a boulder rested on it. Without my bidding, my lips moved to form the well-worn prayer.

Fenrir loosened his grip on me. He eased me up off his lap, slowly, but the blood rushed to my head. I swayed, unable to stand on my own. He steadied me with a hand on either arm.

“Be not afraid,” he murmured. “Juliet, you’re not harmed.”

I jerked away. “That wasn’t me.” I pulled the fur around me tighter, as if it were armor against their gaze. I was shaking, but not with fear or anger. “You’re making me someone I’m not.”

Fenrir stepped close, moving slowly, deliberately. He approached as if I was a frightened rabbit, tensed to run. And maybe I was, but something rooted my feet to the ground.

He stopped when he stood before me, his body close enough for us to touch. One deep breath and my breasts would brush against him.

He lifted his hand, slowly, giving me enough time to pull away. My whole body held its breath, waiting for his touch, but he only stroked a tendril of hair away from my face. “You’re who you’ve always been. You’re the one who’s denied it.”

I opened my mouth, but I had no answer. Just the prayer I’d always prayed.

For years, I’d been praying long and hard. I’d built a wall between me and my desire, each prayer another stone. But tonight, the prayers were not enough to hold back the flood.

One touch from these warriors, and cracks formed in the wall. One kiss, and the dam would burst. All the feeling I had fought against would rush out and carry me away.

I waited with my face upturned, but no kiss came. Instead Fenrir dropped his hand and moved away.

“I’ll take first watch,” he told Jarl. He did not have to speak aloud to say this, so I knew he did so for my benefit. Then Fenrir left and I was alone with Jarl.

“He’s right, you know. There’s no use fighting. You want it too.”

I couldn’t resist Fenrir’s tender touch, but Jarl’s words pricked me, goaded me to fight. I drew the cloak around me like a shield and sneered at him. “I want nothing from you.”

“So you say.” He stood up and I startled back, but he made no move to approach me. “But is it true?”

I twisted my hands in the fur. “Of course it’s true.” But I was panting again. The fever was rising in me, no longer a golden wave but one tinged red. My core cramped, sending shockwaves of bloodred pain through my gut. I groaned and Jarl took a step toward me. But I stiffened, angling myself away from him, and he stopped.

“Juliet.” He spread his hands to show me he held no weapon. “We mean you no harm.”

“You’ve done enough.” I shook in the grip of another cramp. My body had turned against me and I was helpless in its possession.

“Little one,” his voice cracked. He quivered as if barely holding himself in check.

“Go, please. I can’t do this. I can’t fight you.” I hung my head. I was so tired. Another minute and I’d slump to the floor.

“As you wish,” he murmured. “The bed is there, ready for you.”

It took all I had to drag myself there. The bed was made to hold a Berserker—or two. I had to jump and grab the heavy fur robes, scrambling to hoist myself up. And once up, I sank into the softness, lost in a sea of furs. Vast as the bed was, add two warriors and it’d be cozy and warm.

But I could not think of that.

I burrowed under the silky Copyright 2016 - 2024