Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,67

as the door opened once more. ‘It’s almost time, Violet. After all, we want to get through the ceremony before those fireworks go off at nine. Otherwise we won’t hear a single word.’

‘Okay. Mum, you go and tell Dad to come in. Vanessa, you help me get these flowers in my hair. And Joy, you go with Henry and make sure everyone is assembled out on the balcony.’ They would easily fit, Violet knew, the only guests being her family, along with Henry, Liam and Liam’s new girlfriend. She hadn’t wanted to invite any would-bes if they could-bes.

‘I can’t believe how confident you’ve become,’ Vanessa said after the others had departed. ‘And how beautiful.’

Tears pricked at Violet’s eyes at her sister’s words. They were sweet words, admittedly, but they reminded Violet of a time when she hadn’t been at all beautiful, let alone confident. She supposed it was rather amazing, the change in her. Amazing, but rather wonderful. Certainly nothing to cry about.

‘Guess what?’ she said happily. ‘I changed my old pill to the mini-pill and look—not a pimple in sight!’

‘You have fantastic skin now, Violet. I envy you. I’m beginning to get wrinkles.’

‘Oh, rubbish. You are not. You’re what they call a yummy mummy. I hope I keep my figure the way you have after I have children.’

‘That’s one thing I wanted to ask you, but didn’t dare. Does Leo want children?’

‘Absolutely. He’d have one tomorrow but I decided I wanted him to myself for a while.’

‘I don’t blame you. He’s utterly gorgeous. I’d ask you what he’s like in bed but I don’t have to. It’s written all over your face.’

For the first time in ages, Violet blushed.

Vanessa’s eyebrows lifted. ‘That good, eh?’


‘I’d envy you if Steve wasn’t bloody brilliant in the sack. The things he does! I’d tell you, except I don’t want to shock my little sister.’

Violet was still smiling to herself when her father walked in.

‘Well, blow me down!’ her dad said straight away. ‘How did an ugly old coot like me have two such beautiful daughters?’

Violet and Vanessa exchanged shocked glances. They’d never heard their father say that many words in a row before, let alone complimentary ones. Maybe some charm had rubbed off from Leo and Henry.

‘So, are you ready, girls? Henry says it’s time to get this show on the road.’

‘We’re ready,’ they both chorused and picked up their bouquets. Vanessa’s was a small pink-and-white posy whilst Violet carried a long trailing bouquet of white roses.

* * *

Leo stood there, desperately trying to look cool and sophisticated in his James Bond tuxedo whilst he waited for Violet to make an appearance. But everything in his body was tingling with anticipation. Eight long months he’d waited for this night, longer than he’d wanted. But he’d bowed to Violet’s wishes that they marry on the same night and in the same setting that they’d met, a romantic notion which he hadn’t really shared. Till now. Now it did seem right. And yes, very romantic.

In truth, there wasn’t anything Leo wouldn’t do to please Violet, even waiting this long to marry her, which had been a stretch for his patience.

In the back of his mind, however, he’d known it was wise to wait awhile, thereby giving Violet a chance to be sure about her feelings. It would have been very selfish of him to rush someone so young and inexperienced into marriage. So he’d waited and watched. And now he too was sure. She loved him as much as he loved her. Maybe even more. She was a dream to live with, and to work with, an asset to his life in more ways than one.

She was a dream to make love to as well, always so responsive and willing. And quite naughty at times. She’d actually bought him a pair of fur-lined handcuffs for his birthday. When he’d pretended to be shocked she’d said not to worry, that it was false fur.

He smiled at the recollection. Wicked minx!

Henry dug him in the ribs suddenly, snapping Leo back to the present. The music had started up, not traditional bridal music, but a song which Leo had chosen: Stevie Wonder singing “Isn’t She Lovely?”

Vanessa came out onto the balcony first, her pale-pink dress suiting her blonde prettiness. She smiled at him as she passed, although by then Leo’s attention was all on the bride.

Leo sucked in a breath sharply when he first caught sight of Violet. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting her to wear, Copyright 2016 - 2024