Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,59

a deeply sated sigh then levered himself off her, reaching up to untie her wrists before pulling a quilt over them both. Soon, he was sound asleep next to her, his breathing now slow and steady.

This was part of their daily routine, sleeping after sex in the afternoon before rising to shower and dress for dinner every evening. Up till today, Violet had had no trouble falling into a post-coital slumber. Now, despite having just experienced the most electrifying climax of her life, she found she could not relax.

Finally, she rolled over onto her back and just lay there, staring up at her reflection in the mirror. The light through the window was rapidly fading, the bedside clock showing it was almost six o’clock. The temperature would have dropped outside no doubt, but not inside, where the air-conditioning kept the suite at a very comfortable twenty-five degrees. Hence no need for clothes, if they so desired.

Leo often desired her to be naked for him, and not always when they were in bed. He liked to look at her, he said. It had taken Violet a couple of days to be able to walk around the apartment in the nude without feeling embarrassed, but gradually she’d discovered that it turned her on to be on the end of Leo’s very hot gaze.

Not that she needed to be naked to be turned on. If truth be told, ever since she’d arrived in Paris she’d been in a state of constant arousal. Nothing distracted her from her hunger for Leo’s body—not the fabulous sightseeing every morning or even the magnificent five-course dinners Leo treated her to every evening. None of it meant anything to her.

She didn’t really give a damn about visiting the Eiffel Tower, or the Louvre, or even Versailles. She told Leo she did, but her mind was never on the sightseeing. It was always projecting ahead to the moment when they would return to the hotel and Leo could once again make love to her. Which he did. Every afternoon. For hours on end.

Come now, Violet, the voice of cold hard reason suddenly piped up. What he does to you every afternoon is not making love. It’s just sex, sweetheart. Hard-core sex, at that. Let’s not pretend.

Violet sighed. Okay, so it probably was just sex in the afternoons. There were still times, however, when it felt like making love. Like when they came home after dinner each evening. Leo always made love to her before they went to sleep. That always felt like making love, rather than sex. Perhaps because it was late at night with the lights off, or at least dimmed so that she couldn’t see their reflections in the mirror above. It was much easier to pretend deeper feelings in the intimacy of darkness, when Leo’s love-making was less...imaginative and more straightforward.

Their daily afternoon sex-fest was always anything but straightforward, Leo having introduced her to a variety of positions and foreplays which were hardly the stuff romantic dreams were made of. And that was even before he had advanced to the tying-up business, which admittedly she enjoyed very much. She enjoyed everything he did to her; no point in denying it. But did couples in love do stuff like that?

She had no idea.

Admittedly, he hadn’t done anything seriously kinky, things she’d read about in books and which had alarmed her at the time. Violet wasn’t so sure she would be alarmed now. Maybe she’d enjoy Leo inserting phallic-shaped objects into her and spanking her at the same time. Her breathing quickened just thinking about it.

Maybe she was becoming a sex addict! Maybe that was why she couldn’t relax, because she wanted more. But more of what? More imaginative sex, or just more of Leo?

Violet sighed as her gaze ran over him. What she would not give to be with him for ever.

But that wasn’t going to happen, was it? He’d had every chance during the last five days to bring up the subject of where their relationship was going, but he hadn’t. Not that he hadn’t talked to her. He had; non-stop sometimes. But it was always about what they were doing and seeing that day, never about the future.

Of course, she hadn’t broached the subject either. Partly because she didn’t think it was her place, but mostly because she didn’t want to come across as desperate. If he wanted to keep on seeing her he would eventually say so. Tonight, possibly. After all, she had to Copyright 2016 - 2024