Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,51


Only Joy had twigged to the real nature of their relationship. No flies on Joy!

It had taken her intuitive old friend no longer than a fortnight to confront Violet with her suspicions that the excessive phone calls from Leo could mean only one thing: something was going on between them other than chit-chat about silly screenplays!

So Violet had told her—everything. She hadn’t meant to, but she just couldn’t bring herself to tell Joy more lies, or even half-truths. Besides, it had been reassuring to confide in someone older and wiser than herself. She’d been somewhat surprised by Joy’s lack of shock, not to mention her lack of disapproval. In fact, Joy had stunned Violet with a couple of her initial comments.

‘What a lucky girl you are to have had such a wonderful introduction to sex!’

‘Of course you should go to Paris, though I dare say you won’t see too much of the city!’

They’d both laughed over that one.

But not all of Joy’s remarks had found favour with Violet. One little homily still stuck in her mind.

‘Henry’s son is obviously a ladies’ man, my dear, so don’t expect anything to come of your relationship. Try to accept it for what it is—an experience to be enjoyed. An education. Fall in love, by all means. Being in love always makes sex better for girls. Just don’t pretend to yourself that he loves you back, or that it will last.’

But she had started pretending just that, hadn’t she?

No, no, it wasn’t a pretence. It was a belief. He loved her; she was sure of it. Not that he’d ever said as much. But why else would he have gone without sex for three whole months if not for feelings much deeper than lust?

Perhaps he just didn’t realise how much he cared for her. But he would. One day. It was just a question of time.


Violet glanced at her watch again. Only two minutes had passed since they’d landed. Why was it that time went so slowly when you didn’t want it to? The last three months had seemed like an eternity. Violet suspected that the time it would take to disembark and go through customs would drag even more...

* * *

Patience was not one of Leo’s virtues. Which was why he’d chosen not to wait for Violet at the hotel, despite saying that he would. Instead, he’d ridden to the airport in the limousine he’d booked to pick Violet up, then stayed sitting in the spacious back seat whilst the chauffeur went inside the terminal to collect Violet.

He would have gone in there to collect her himself except for the possibility that some eagle-eyed member of the paparazzi might spot him. International airports—especially Charles De Gaulle—were a favourite haunt of the paparazzi. They hung around the exit gates, hopeful of getting a money-making picture of some celebrity doing something which would make copy in the tabloids.

The last thing Leo wanted was for Henry to see some picture of himself and Violet in the press. Leo wanted to enjoy the next five days with Violet without having to worry about a single thing. The movie had been a wrap last week—thank God—with post-production not starting till after Easter, leaving him a few days to do what he’d been dying to do for the last three months.

Be with Violet once more.

And not before time, Leo thought ruefully as he glanced down at the state he was in.

Damn it, where was the girl? The plane had landed ages ago. Customs, he supposed. Flying anywhere these days was a pain. Still, at least he could afford for Violet to go first class. Hopefully, she’d had some sleep overnight. He hadn’t had much, tossing and turning in that outrageously large four-poster bed all by himself. Yet, when the alarm on his phone had woken him at five-thirty, he’d jumped up immediately, feeling more alive than he had for ages.

For today he would see Violet again. Be with Violet again. Just the thought had sent the blood charging round his body, unfortunately a lot of it ending up in his groin.

Grimacing, he glared fixedly through the heavily tinted window at the path she would come along. He spotted the driver first, striding ahead, pulling a black case with one hand and carrying a suit bag draped over his other.

Several steps behind him came Violet, looking stunning in a white suit, which was as dazzling as it was fashionable. The skirt was slimline and finished just above the knee. The Copyright 2016 - 2024