Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,45

the story as a whole. He’d had a niggling feeling for a while that there was something wrong with the first act, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

Violet probably would, though. She was sharp, that girl. On top of that she was honest. She wouldn’t pay him lip service. She would tell him the truth, no matter how unpalatable. Given how determined he was not to have another major flop—or even a minor failure—he would just have to grit his teeth and bear talking to her on Sunday night. And bear the sleepless nights which would undoubtedly ensue.

Meanwhile, a visit to Mandy was definitely in order. He would give her a ring as soon as he finished doing what had to be done. Sitting down at his desk, he turned on his computer and set about writing Violet a brief email, after which he attached the screenplay then sent it off. That done, he returned to his bedroom, found some fresh clothes and headed for the shower.

Finally, after he emerged from the bathroom, he called Mandy.

‘Oh, Leo,’ she said distractedly. ‘You’re back.’

A rather different response from the one he’d received when he rang Violet yesterday. Still, he understood it wasn’t easy looking after two boys when you weren’t used to it.

‘The twins giving you trouble, are they?’ he asked intuitively.

‘You have no idea.’

‘Actually, I do. I was a boy once. Wait till they hit fifteen.’

‘I don’t even want to think about it,’ Mandy snapped. ‘I’ve come to the conclusion I’m not fond of the male sex. They’re born arrogant and selfish and downright lazy. So, how was Christmas down under?’

‘Wonderful,’ he said, and meant it. It had been wonderful.

‘Bonk a few Bondi blondes while you were there, did you?’

Leo found himself repelled by Mandy’s rather uncouth turn of phrase. Plus, the implication that he would have indiscriminate sex with not one but several females. It showed him just what she really thought of him. Suddenly, the idea of having sex with Mandy again also repelled him.

Which meant he had to tell her that it was over between them.

‘Mandy...’ he said, a sharp edge creeping into his voice. He’d always hated hurting any woman, even one as cynical as Mandy.

She sighed a weary sigh. ‘Please don’t say you want to come over tonight, Leo. The boys are still here and I’m terribly tired.’

‘No. I don’t want to come over. The thing is, Mandy, I won’t be coming over again. It’s been great—and I still like you enormously,’ he added, hoping that would soften the blow to her ego, which was considerable. ‘But I’ve met someone else.’

‘Well, goodness gracious me!’ she exclaimed, unsuccessful in hiding her pique. ‘You mean one of the Bondi blondes got her claws into you?’

‘Violet is not from Bondi,’ he pointed out quite coldly. ‘And she’s not blonde. No claws, either. I think all the female cats live in London.’

‘My my! No need to get all snooty. I didn’t mean to offend. Obviously she’s a darling, since she’s made such an impression on you. After all, you always said you weren’t interested in any kind of serious relationship, just drinkies and sex afterwards. So, did she fly back with you, this Violet? Have you already moved her into your townhouse?’

‘No. She’s still in Sydney.’

‘You do know, Leo, that long-distance relationships don’t work, not with a man like you. Or any man, for that matter. Too many days and nights without sex.’

‘I’m not that addicted to sex, Mandy,’ he argued, wishing he hadn’t had to imply that he was having a relationship with Violet when he wasn’t. But he’d had to say something. It would have been cruel just to cut Mandy off without some sort of excuse. After all, he’d been sleeping with her on a regular basis for some time.

Leo was well aware that women often became emotionally involved with their lovers, even when they didn’t mean to. That was the very reason he hadn’t wanted to sleep with Violet in the first place, because she would be extra vulnerable to that kind of emotional involvement. Fortunately, that didn’t seem to have happened. Yet.

‘I hope you’re not upset with me,’ he said.

‘Not upset. No. But I’m going to miss you, Leo. You are a wonderful lover. Much better than you know. But I have to confess to being quite shocked. You always said you’d never fall in love and get married again.’

‘I didn’t say I’d fallen in love,’ he denied fiercely. ‘Neither do I Copyright 2016 - 2024