Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,23

You can always say no.’

‘But I can’t!’ she blurted out. ‘I mean...that’s one of my New Year’s resolutions—not to say no to social invitations.’

‘I thought I warned you to use your common sense in that regard.’

Common sense! Was he insane? Her reactions and responses to him had nothing to do with common sense. She was desperate to go out with him tonight. Desperate to see him again, even if it was just to talk to him.

‘Henry assured me you were a true gentleman,’ she pointed out, worried that he was looking for some excuse to call the whole thing off.

Leo’s laugh carried a disturbingly amused tone. ‘That was possibly foolish of Henry.’

‘Are you saying you lied to me last night? That you really are a callous seducer of women?’

‘A callous seducer? No, no, I’m not that.’

‘I didn’t think so.’ Was she vaguely disappointed that he wasn’t?

‘In that case, why the hesitation?’ he asked.

‘Henry got it wrong,’ she said hurriedly. ‘I wasn’t hesitant, just startled. I would like to go with you tonight. Truly, I would.’

The sudden silence down the line was unnerving. Had her desperation shown through?

Did he sigh? She was sure she heard him sigh.

‘What time would you like me to pick you up?’ he said at last.

Now it was Violet who sighed—with relief.

‘You don’t have to do that,’ she offered. ‘You might get lost. I could take a taxi to the restaurant and meet you there.’

‘Absolutely not. That’s not how I do things, Violet. I always pick up my date and deliver her home afterwards.’

His date: he’d called her his date. Violet had never had a date before. This was her first. And it was with Leo Wolfe. And, whilst a first date wasn’t quite as fanciful as having him as her first lover, it was still going to be a momentous occasion for her.

‘There’s a navigation system in the car I hired,’ he went on, ‘so I’ll have no trouble finding you. I gather Henry has your address?’

‘Well, yes, but—’

‘So how long would it take to get from here to your place?’ he interrupted.

‘That depends on the time of day. During peak-hour it can take ages. You’ve no idea how busy it gets.’

‘Violet, I live in London. Your peak-hour traffic is bad but I’m used to much worse.’

Violet didn’t want him coming to pick her up, didn’t want Joy seeing him and thinking all kinds of things. As much as it was sweet of Leo to offer to pick her up, she just knew it wasn’t a good idea.

‘But coming here first is out of your way,’ she argued. ‘Look, how about we compromise on this? I’ll take a taxi to the restaurant and you can drive me home after the show. By then the traffic won’t be nearly as bad.’ And Joy will be sound asleep. ‘Okay?’ she added with crossed fingers.

‘I can live with that.’

‘Great. So, what’s the name of this restaurant?’

‘I’m not sure. Something Italian. I’ll have to ring you back with the details.’

The sound of Joy’s bedroom door opening brought a moment of panic. ‘Er, no, don’t bother to ring back. Just send me a text.’

‘Fine. See you tonight, then,’ Leo added and hung up.

‘Did I hear you on the phone just now?’ Joy said as she entered the kitchen and headed for the kettle.

‘Yes, Henry rang,’ Violet replied, not untruthfully. ‘Tonight’s his son’s last night in Sydney and he was planning to take him out to dinner and a show. Anyway, Henry’s not well so he’s asked me to go with Leo in his place.’

Joy’s head swung round, her eyebrows raised. ‘Really? And what did you say? I hope you agreed,’ she finished up with a stern glare.

Violet was initially taken aback by Joy’s attitude. But, once she thought about it, she supposed there was no reason for her friend to raise objections. After all, Joy knew nothing of Violet’s wild infatuation, or the passionate kiss Leo had given her the night of the party. According to Violet’s report, Leo was a very nice man. It was as well, though, that she’d organised for Leo not to pick her up. One look at the man in the flesh and Joy might not have been so approving.

‘Well, yes, I did,’ she admitted. ‘I couldn’t very well say no, could I? It would have gone against my New Year’s resolution.’

Joy nodded. ‘True. Though I’m still a bit surprised. You haven’t exactly been at your bubbly best since Henry’s party. I thought perhaps you might Copyright 2016 - 2024