Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,20

quite horrendous, much louder than when you watched it on television, but it was a wondrous sight, one which anyone living in Sydney should personally experience at least once in their lifetime.

It brought some much-needed gladness to her heart and renewed her New Year’s resolution to turn over a new leaf where her social life was concerned. She would in future say yes to any invitations which came her way, which included guys asking her out on dates. Though, Leo was right; a girl had to be careful these days. Still, she had enough common sense to restrict any first dates to somewhere public. Dinner would do till she got to know her date better.

Not that she cared about dating anyone right at this moment.

Her eyes slid from the never-ending fireworks down to the part of the balcony where Leo and the blonde had been. Violet frowned. The blonde was still there, but not Leo. Where on earth had he got to?

‘Happy New Year, Snow White,’ came a voice just behind her, a suave James Bond voice which sent a shiver down her spin.

Violet’s hand tightened on her champagne glass as she turned slowly round, determined not to do anything gauche like spill her drink or blush, or anything which would further betray her feelings for Leo. But her heart still pounded madly behind her ribs, and her stomach was suddenly as tight as a drum.

The smile she dredged up for him felt stiff and forced.

‘And Happy New Year to you too,’ she returned.

His eyes narrowed on her. He went to say something then clearly changed his mind.

Just then the fireworks stopped, reminding Violet that it was time to say good night. Good night and goodbye. The thought that she was unlikely to see Leo again was a serious downer. Still, she supposed she should be grateful to him for showing her that she was a normal girl with normal desires, not to mention attractive enough to be taken as a credible love interest for a man like Leo.

‘Henry,’ she said, and tapped her nearby boss on the arm. ‘It’s been a wonderful party but I have to go. Joy is probably already outside, waiting to take me home.’

‘Oh, what a shame!’ Henry said. ‘The party’s just getting started.’

She just smiled, then reached up to give him a peck on the cheek. ‘There’s always next year,’ she said. ‘Bye, Henry. Bye, Leo,’ she added, turning her eyes his way. ‘It was lovely meeting you.’

Which it was. He really was a nice man, just as she’d told Joy. Clearly, he wasn’t lining up the blonde for a sexy sleepover, otherwise he’d still be with her.

‘I’ll walk out with you,’ he offered.

‘All right,’ she agreed, unable to resist being with him for a couple more minutes.

Once again he relieved her of her champagne glass, depositing it on a nearby table before cupping her elbow and escorting her back inside. Violet gritted her teeth as he steered her across the living room towards the front door, his touch still making her feel all hot and bothered inside. They were outside in the corridor before she remembered her bag.

‘Oh!’ she exclaimed. ‘I’ve forgotten my bag.’

Leo was quick to offer to get it for her and quick to do so, giving her a few invaluable moments for her to regain some much-needed composure.

‘I’d rather you didn’t come downstairs with me,’ she said when he handed over her bag.

‘Why’s that?’

She shrugged, unable to think of a credible excuse. After all, what could she say—if you accompany me out to Joy’s car I’ll have to endure the third degree all the way home?

‘All right,’ he agreed. ‘But before you go...’

His hands reached out to cup her shoulders, his touch gentle but his eyes glitteringly hard.

‘I think I deserve a goodbye kiss, don’t you?’

Violet was to think later that it was like something out of one of her historical romances. She wasn’t given time to answer Leo’s rather rhetorical question before he pulled her close and kissed her. Not a soft, tender kiss; a hot, hungry kiss which forced her lips apart, his tongue entwining with hers before she could do more than gasp.

But as quickly as it began it was over, Leo’s expression self-deprecatory as he put her away from him then turned to push the down button for the lift.

‘I’d say sorry if I was,’ he said with a wry little smile. ‘I’ve been wanting to do that all night. But not to worry, Violet. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024