Master of Her Virtue - By Miranda Lee Page 0,18

that this is the first social invitation of his you’ve accepted since coming to work for him. Is that true?’

Violet felt quite annoyed with Henry. What right did he have to reveal details about her private and personal life? Especially unflattering ones. Leo must think she was a real weirdo.

‘Yes,’ she bit out. ‘But I have made a New Year’s resolution not to say no to any more invitations, either from Henry or anyone else.’

Leo should have been pleased to hear this. If he had Violet’s best interests at heart, then he would be. Perversely, however, he did not feel at all pleased. He felt...what? Surely not jealousy? That seemed over the top. Possibly it was protectiveness which was urging him to warn her about the big bad world of dating she was about to re-enter.

After all, she wasn’t exactly the most sophisticated of girls, or the most experienced. He doubted she’d had more than one lover; no doubt a randy university student who’d claimed love when all he’d really wanted from her was sex. It was a common scenario, one which most modern girls would have recovered from by now. It was testament to Violet’s sensitive nature that she’d retreated into herself for so long. It was good that her broken heart had finally mended, but she still needed to be careful.

‘It’s not a wise idea to indiscriminately say yes to every invitation, Violet,’ he told her. ‘Especially if the invite comes from a good-looking guy with more money than morals. Such men cannot be trusted. Just remember that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.’

Violet bristled at Leo’s rather pompous-sounding advice. She was twenty-five years old, for pity’s sake. Okay, so she didn’t have first-hand experience at what men would say and do to get a girl into bed, but she’d read about them. And seen them on television. She knew men had different agendas from women. Their priority was sex first, love and marriage later, if ever!

Frankly, she herself wasn’t on the lookout for love and marriage just yet. All she wanted during the next year was to find a nice guy to date who would take her virginity and leave her feeling good about herself. If they fell in love, then great. But if they didn’t, she’d survive then move on. That was what the new year was going to be about for her. Moving on.

‘I do know that, Leo,’ she said with a hint of irritation in her voice. ‘I’m not a total ignoramus where men are concerned.’

‘I didn’t say that. But please allow me to know the beast better than you do.’

Violet didn’t like it that Leo had suddenly turned all ‘big brother’ on her. She much preferred the man who’d held her hand, called her darling, fed her canapés and insisted she dance with him. Her pleasure in the evening vanished, along with the fantasy in her head of their being lovers. If she could have gone home at that moment, she would have. Unfortunately, she was trapped till after midnight.

But there was one thing she could do.

Steeling herself, she stopped moving her feet and removed her arms from around Leo’s neck.

‘I’m sorry, Leo,’ she said, ‘but I need to go to the bathroom.’ Which was actually true. She hadn’t been all night, yet she’d drunk a considerable amount of champagne. She didn’t wait for him to say anything, disengaging herself from his arms and hurrying off in the direction of the bedroom where she’d left her bag. It was there on the bedside table and Violet snatched it up before heading into the en suite bathroom and locking the door behind her.

Attending to nature’s call took longer than usual—thank heavens she didn’t have to wear skirts like Snow White’s every day!—after which she washed her hands then rifled her mobile phone out of her bag.

Joy answered on the second ring. ‘Violet! What’s wrong? Why are you calling me at this early hour?’

‘Nothing’s wrong, Joy,’ Violet replied, doing her best not to sound as down as she felt. ‘I just thought I’d give you a call, make sure you’re still awake.’

‘Of course I’m still awake. And there is something wrong. I can hear it in your voice. What’s happened to upset you? Did that movie producer guy make a pass at you?’

I wish, Violet thought with an odd lurch to her heart. It was then that she realised just how attracted she was to Leo. More than attracted—infatuated would be a better Copyright 2016 - 2024