Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,87

in a dangerous situation like the one she’s put me in. “Stupid girl. When will you learn? You and that sprog mean nothing to me. What made you think I’d care if I’ve never cared about you to this point?’’ she sniggers, the sound feeling like a kick to the gut. I can handle her not loving me, but her grandchild? I’ve read stories where some people who sucked at parenting always end up being better grandparents, fuck was that wrong.

“There has to be something inside you that knows what you’re doing is wrong? That a part of you wants to be in your granddaughter’s life? Please mom. I’ve never asked you for anything. Not even as a kid did I ask for anything, but I’m begging you, please don’t leave me here. Please,’’ I cry.

“Weak, weak, weak girl,’’ she mutters looking at me like she’s looking at something disgusting.

My head bows down, my body going completely numb.

She’s not going to help me.

Clapping has my body jumping on the grimy, too thin foam mattress on the damp floor.

“What a beautiful escape speech. But your mother made me a deal; I get you in exchange that I make your dads life a living hell. Making sure he couldn’t sell his house has been fun so far, so seeing how he reacts to me killing you? That is going to be even better. First though, we have a matter to discuss.’’

“What matter?’’ I snap out, my body shivering from the damp, cold room.

“Craig. You gave your fucking statement after I warned you bitch,’’ he sneers, his yellow teeth glowing in the dull lit room.

Seriously, does his whole family brush their teeth with butter? I cringe at the sight.

“Oh, this is my queue to leave,’’ my mother laughs, stepping over what I can only presume is burnt wood. “Oh and Carl dear, you really should get some air freshener down here, it smells awful,’’ she gripes and I want to laugh. The place needs more than just air freshener, it needs rebuilding, and fucking heating.

“Bye, Viv.’’

“Vivian,’’ she states sharply before leaving me to defend myself with a complete and utter psychopath.

“Now,’’ he says, clasping his hands together. “Where were we? Oh yes, your betrayal. You gave your witness statement against my brother after I so kindly gave you a warning, which is more than I gave the other one, he gestures, using his thumb to point behind him. I look around him but see nothing but darkness. He snickers when he sees the direction I’m looking in and it makes me want to vomit all over again. Something feels really wrong in this room. Something other than the fact I’ve been kidnapped.

“You killed Hannah?’’ I squeak out, the picture of her lifeless body flashing through my mind, making me whimper.

“Ahh, I see you took notice of the picture,’’ he chuckles, using his knuckles to lift my chin, but I brush him away, turning my head.

“Don’t touch me,’’ I spit out. I cry out sharply when it earns me a backhanded slap across the cheek. My right cheek burns with fire and stings where the ring he’s wearing has cut into my cheek. The notion makes me feel sick and I have to focus on steadying my breathing before glaring back up at him.

“I’ve already given my statement. What are you planning on achieving by kidnapping me, other than a prison sentence?’’

He laughs loudly, leaning down to get in my face, his breath knocking me back with its foul odour and I have to swallow back bile that’s threatening to rise up my throat.

“Oh, I have something much, much better than your statement. I’ve been watching you and your group of misfits for a long time,’’ he snarls and I scoff at the word misfits. He’s a delinquent, who has killed, kidnapped and God knows what else. “The girl, the girl fucking with my brother’s future, she’s going to help me.’’

“Your brother’s future? He was going to rape an innocent girl, and not for the first time either. He’s done it before, but do you care?’’

“No, bitch probably deserved it. From what I heard, the first one he raped would be her one and only experience, she’s that fucking ugly. He was doing her a favour breaking her in. Plus, it won me hundred quid him banging her,’’ he chuckles and bile rises in my throat.

“You’re sick.’’

He shrugs, not looking bothered one single bit, which makes me hate him even more.

“Anyway, back to my Copyright 2016 - 2024