Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,40

inwardly when I look around the room. There’s nowhere to hide and there is no way I’ll be able to fit myself through the bedroom window. Hearing another loud smash I clamp my hand over my mouth to smother the scream and I’m startled to hear a voice I vaguely recognise.

Moving as fast as I can, I grab the magazine I had been reading and start ripping pages out to start using them as wedges for under the door, knowing it will be harder to push open if he does manage to get past the lock. Once I’ve done that, I shakily get to my feet, jumping when a knock bangs on my door.

“Open up now!’’ the voice snarls, and for some reason I can tell he is putting on an accent, his voice sounding off.

Quickly grabbing the chest of drawers in a dazed panic, I drag them as close as I can to the door before pushing them over. Now they’re leaning against the door and I pray with that and the wedges of paper under the door it will be enough to hold him off.


Grabbing my phone I quickly dial 999, screaming when a knife slices through the door. I don’t watch, but listen as he struggles to pull it back out. I’m too busy crouching down in the wardrobe, hoping the police can get here soon.

“999 what’s your emergency?’’

“Police please. I have an intruder in my home,’’ I cry out on a whisper, my whole body shaking to the point of pain.

“Okay Miss. Can you tell us where you are?’’

I rattle off the address before addressing the real issue, “I’m twenty seven weeks pregnant, he has a knife,’’ I cry, my whole body racking with sobs.

“Calm down, we have dispatched a team right out to you. They are two minutes out,’’ she says as another bang that sounds like the knife cutting through the wood happens making me squeal and this time I don’t bothering covering the sound. He already knows that I’m in here.

I’m sobbing and trying to concentrate on the ladies voice on the phone who is still trying to calm me down, but my attention is on the door, praying like hell he doesn’t get through. The next thing I hear is a commotion at the front door and more glass shattering. Putting the phone down when I hear the police, I rush out of the wardrobe, finally able to catch my breath. Walking closer to the door to see if I can hear what’s happening, I step on a piece of paper, at least I thought it was until I look down noticing writing on the back. Picking it up I read the words out loud, my mind too far gone to stop myself from reading them. “This is what will happen if you continue to be a grass.’’ With shaky hands, I turn the picture around to see the most horrific image I’ll ever lay eyes upon. I let out a blood curdling scream, falling backwards onto the floor with another scream, a painful one this time.


“No, no, no, no. I want to go. I want to go,’’ I chant to myself, clutching the phone in my hands and through my tears I call the last number, which happens to be Harlow.

“Hello,’’ she answers groggily.

“I need to go. I need to go. Please,’’ I whimper, a sob tearing through my throat.

“Denny. Denny, are you okay? What happened?’’

I don’t answer her, instead I drop my phone when a loud banging starts on the bedroom door and I scream moving backwards, hitting my head on the wardrobe door.

My eyes stay glued to the photo, not able to take my eyes off it as I rock backwards and forwards, tears streaming down my face and pain skirting all over my body.

Please no! Please don’t let it be true.

The picture is a good distance away, the image blurry from my teary eyes. Hannah lays motionless, her bruised body covered in dirt, her face cut and bloody. It’s the missing bottom half of her clothes and the blood pooling between her legs with the scared look in her wide, open eyes that has me puking on the floor next to me.

Who could do that to someone? Is this what they are going to do to me? Feeling sicker by the second, I block out all the loud voices around me and the banging on the bedroom door, too afraid to move.

Finishing emptying my stomach I crawl Copyright 2016 - 2024