Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,38

to why I got hit over the head. Apparently I must have fainted and hit my head. I think I’d have known if I had fainted.

“Will the accused please rise,’’ the judge calls and I watch from the witness stand as Davis stands up, his eyes narrowing in on me. Ignoring him, I turn my head making sure to look directly at the judge when addressed, just like Harlow’s lawyer told me to.

They go through the motions where I have to take an oath, swearing to the almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

As soon as the oath has left my mouth they begin. Davis’s team wastes no time asking any questions, not that I thought we were going to have biscuits and tea beforehand. I just presumed they wouldn’t be so aggressive; he’s the guilty after all.

“What would you say Mr. Davis and Miss. Evans relationship was like Miss Smith?’’

Huh? He’s been asking me the stupidest questions for the past fifteen minutes, but this one just takes the biscuit.

“I’m not sure I understand the question. They’ve never had a relationship of any sort. Not unless you count him bullying her as one,’’ I shrug, finding it hard to look at the judge when I speak. I’ve had it drummed into me since I was a kid to always address the person you’re talking to, but instead, today, I have to listen to the lawyer question me, but give my answer to the judge and jury.

“So they weren’t intimate on any level? Miss. Evans didn’t move on the first day of school because Mr. Davis told her to after she tried to ‘feel him up’,’’ he says, as he reads from off the piece of paper in front of him.

“No, that is not what happened. Harlow was new, she had just started and when she sat by him he made her feel uncomfortable.’’

“Uncomfortable how?’’

“He smelled badly, he hadn’t showered and had been doing drugs the night before. When he tried it on with her, she moved seats, from there on out he continued...’’

“That’s all we need,’’ he says holding his hand up interrupting me, and it’s not the first time he’s done that either.


“Last question on the matter before I move on, how did he ‘try it on with her,’ as you put it?’’

“I’m not sure, I wasn’t sitting next to them.’’ I’m beginning to feel frustrated, especially when the smug fucker looks pleased with my answer, and looking over to Davis, he does too.

“So you weren’t close enough to hear what was going on?’’

“No, I sit on the other end of the classroom,’’ wondering what this has to do with anything.

“So Miss. Evans could have easily have tried it on with Mr. Davis and then felt embarrassed when he kindly rejected her, so she ended up twisting the story.’’

“From my point of view of the room, I guess you could make that up, but there are plenty of other students in there that day who heard clear as day what was said and what happened, so my opinion is irrelevant.’’

“I see,’’ he says, looking none too happy about my answer. “The night you were found unconscious, Miss Smith, can you tell us what happened?’’

“Harlow and I went to the bathroom. I became sick,’’ I tell them, rubbing my rounded stomach in a soothing gesture. “So we went outside to get some fresh air. When we did Harlow started to complain about feeling funny. When I turned to help, something hard hit me around the head.’’

“So you didn’t see anyone approach?’’

I shake my head ‘no’ really wanting to get out of here, my eyes are becoming tired, my feet are killing, and I can feel myself being sick again with the way this lawyer is digging at me.

“So you could have fallen and hit your head when you fainted?’’

“I never fainted. I felt fine other than I had just been sick. I felt whatever it was they used to hit me with to knock me out. I assure you I never passed out.’’

“I have no further questions your honour,’’ he says, sitting back down in the seat. Harlow’s lawyer smiles at me encouragingly.

He continues to ask me similar questions as the other lawyer and by the end of it all I’m exhausted and hungry, which doesn’t surprise me after throwing up all of my breakfast this morning.

Hoping to get it all dealt with today I’m angry when the judge adjourns the hearing, asking Copyright 2016 - 2024