Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,33

end and have him leave me.

Chapter Seven

My alarm clock beeps loudly next to me, but I’m too tired to get up to switch it off. Mason didn’t drop me off at home until gone half eleven last night and because I never got a nap in yesterday because I’d been too excited about our date, I was exhausted by the time I got to bed.

Yawning I grab my phone off the side of the bed to switch the alarm off. Needing to wake up a bit better, I start to read through my Facebook. I’m excited when I see I’ve got twenty six notifications, that is until I click on them and they’re all for either group invitations or someone posting in a group I didn’t even know I was a part of.

Deciding to just check through my newsfeed I’m even more disappointed to find everyone moaning about their parents, about some girl at school, and oh... oh, then we have the cryptic messages. These are my favourite ones. They go on about being the bigger person, that ‘if you have something to say, then say it to my face’ and the best one ever ‘next time, if you want to write a status about me, tag me in it.’ I really want to comment and say ‘can you tag the person you’re talking about instead of sounding so cryptic’, but getting involved in Facebook drama isn’t me.

Dropping the phone to the bed with a sigh, I get up, wanting a cup of tea to start the day. The second I stand up, a wave of dizziness hits me, and I have to sit myself back down on the bed, waiting for the nauseous, and dizziness feeling to subside.

“Please don’t be sick; please don’t be sick,’’ I chant to myself, my head resting between my knees. It’s something my Nan told me to do from when I first started getting morning sickness.

My phone beeps and ignoring the dizziness and the sickness feeling, I lean back over on the bed to grab my phone.

Who’s the daddy: Do you want me to pick you up to go for some breakfast? Harlow and Malik said they’ll come as her lawyer called to tell us it’s been postponed for another hour. M x

I laugh when I read the name he put his number under last night. Only he could have done something so silly. I never even thought to check it last night because of being so tired. Not bothering to change it and quite liking it, I text him back.

Me: That sounds awesome. I’ll jump in the shower now; I’m dying for a cup of tea. D x

Who’s the daddy: That is not a visual I need right now when I’m having a coffee with Granddad and Joan. That woman can smell a boner a mile off. M x

Giggling I think of what to text next, loving the fact I get to him in that way. I also wouldn’t put it past Joan to have that kind of power. She’s like a horny Granny.

Me: Glad I didn’t tell you I’m naked and was just about to get in to the shower then. That would have been sooooo awkward. ;) D x

I can’t stop the grin spreading across my face, loving how easily it is to fall into old banter with him. This was how we were when we weren’t around people, when we first started to get closer. After last night with him telling me about his past, I can totally understand now why he doesn’t let anyone in, why he wears that mask of the playboy, comedian, and hard ass all the time.

Who’s the daddy: Now things just got really awkward. I literally jumped from my chair, knocking over Harlow’s orange juice into my lap. So, think of me baby, when you’re in the shower...all hot, wet, soapy... naked... M x

Who’s the daddy: I’ll be there in twenty minutes so get your cute ass in the shower. M x

Me: Now you’ve got me all excited. I’ll think of you while I’m in the shower. When I stand under the hot steam, rubbing soap all over myself, naked, wet and slick... see ya soon D x

Who’s the daddy: Now I need a shower.... M x

I leave the phone on the bed, not wanting to text him back; otherwise I’ll never get up to get ready. I grab my court outfit, an outfit I’m not too sure about. It’s a black sleek maternity dress, Copyright 2016 - 2024