Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,31

smiles just as a waitress arrives to take our order. I let Mason pick for me telling him everything looks fine and that I don’t mind. When he gives her our order he sits back in his chair, his eyes locked on me, appraising me. “Go on...’’

“What was your dad like? I remember you said you were scared about us being together because of him. Can you tell me why? I know some, but it’s not something Harlow and I like to gossip about. I heard some stuff from my Nan, but the rest I kind of pieced together and Harlow confirmed.’’

He groans running his fingers through his hair and I immediately sink back in my chair feeling bad. Why did I go and ask him about his dad when I clearly know he doesn’t like talking about him? I’m so freaking stupid.

“Look, you don’t have to tell me, forget it. Tell me about your job,’’ I say lightly changing the subject.

“No. It’s fine. You need to know. You should know. If we’re going to be together we need to be able to talk to one another. I don’t know how much I can tell you, or what you know, but my story is a lot different to Malik’s.’’

“I don’t want to ruin our date by talking about something that you clearly don’t want to,’’ I rush out, my heart beating wildly at the vulnerable look in his eyes, the pain he hides behind his easy going mask.

“The date is so we can get to know each other Denny. For me to prove to you I’m serious as a heart attack about the two of us. Talking about my parents might explain things better.’’

“Okay, but only tell me what you feel comfortable with.’’ I sadly smile over at him, lifting the glass of Coke to my lips and taking a sip.

“From as far back as I can remember he was violent to us. He publicly beat Maverick and Malik to the point they couldn’t go to school on some days, but what they don’t know, what they’ll never know, is the beatings I received during the night. He’d drag me out of bed to just kick me about, to...’’

“To do?’’ I question, reaching over and placing my hand over his.

“He’d make whatever woman he was with at the time to have sex with me. They’d be all for it and would laugh at my inexperience. It’s something I’ve never been able to talk about with the lads. They would never understand. I guess it’s the reason I slept around so much, wanting to prove to myself I had a choice...’’ he trails off looking distant and all I can do is cover my mouth to smother a sob, tears streaming down my face. “Please don’t cry for me Denny.’’

His voice is so soft it breaks my heart and I can understand why he slept with so many women. “How old were you when it all started?’’

“Eight, nine, I’m not sure, it all blurs together. It was the reason I really pushed you away. You deserved someone better, someone who wasn’t tainted and had that evil running through their blood. The way I feel when I’m around you, scares me. Back then it was just as strong and when I woke up, I looked at you and pictured my life. What if I turned out to be just like my dad? What if I hurt you like he hurt us? I didn’t want that, not for you, not for anyone.’’

“So what changed your mind?’’ I wipe the tears from my eyes, hoping like hell my mascara hasn’t run down my face.

“The minute Harlow told me you were pregnant I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach. Everything around me stopped and I knew in that moment that I’d rather cut off my own arm than ever lay a finger on you. I knew without a doubt we were meant to be together.’’ He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but I notice the slight blush to his cheeks that give him away. He’s not used to confessing his feelings like this. I’ve known him for a long time and for him to tell me something so dark, something he hasn’t told anyone just proves how strongly he feels towards us being a couple.

“What about your mom?’’

I’ve always wanted to know about his mom. Harlow said Malik doesn’t really remember much about her, only what Maverick told them. I also know Copyright 2016 - 2024