Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,26

of my granddad when he was alive. It’s comforting to know as I wrap my arms tightly around him.

“You’re good for him girl,’’ he whispers once Maverick pulls Mason away from us. “He never meant to hurt you. It killed him doing it. I watched the life draining from that boy every time he hurt you more. I’m glad you’re back and he has you,’’ he says pulling away.

Not able to hold it in and I’m totally blaming the pregnancy hormones, I burst into tears. Not just silent tears that run down my face, but gut wrenching sobs that tear from my mouth and I throw myself back in his arms.

“Thank you for wanting me here,’’ I manage to choke out.

I’m removed gently from his arms and placed into another set of warm ones. Although I could feel who it was, like my body was accustomed to him; it’s his smell that gave him away. His woodsy, outdoorsy aroma, with a hint of something rare, something Mason, something only he could pull off. I’ve never been able to put my finger on it, I just know he very rarely uses his cologne and when he does it just makes his scent more potent.

“You okay?’’ he asks me in a hushed tone making me shiver and sniffle at the same time.

“Yeah, I’m just being silly. I’m not used to this,’’ I tell him pulling away. I’m ready to point to his family so he understands, but they are nowhere to be seen. “Where did everybody go?’’

“Inside, to give us some privacy. Now, are you sure you’re okay?’’

“Honestly, I’m just being stupid. If it hasn’t escaped your notice my family isn’t really close like yours. I never had what you had. Only when I was around my Nan and Granddad or brother, but my Granddad is dead and my brother hasn’t spoken to me in weeks. Even when we did he wasn’t that happy about me being pregnant. I know he’ll help me and support my decision, he always told me as much, but it’s not the same when he’s not here. Your family have not only been supportive for you, but they have for me, even after everything I did. They should hate me for running away to live miles away and not telling you. It’s just overwhelming I guess.’’

“Angel, you are our family now. It isn’t just you anymore. You’ve just taken on another family by agreeing to have our baby. You’re not going anywhere and I promise I’m going to make up for all the shit I put you through to get you to stay where you belong,’’ he promises.

I should really tell him I’m already staying, that there was no way I could take our girl away from her family and away from him, but something holds me back, stopping me from telling him. I guess half of me wants to see what he’s willing to do to prove to me he’s sorry.

“Come on let’s eat,’’ I smile and on queue my stomach grumbles causing us to laugh.

“Come on before you waste away,’’ he laughs, curling me into his arms, leading me into the restaurant.

Chapter Six

“So... date night huh?’’ Harlow teases lying on my bed at my brothers.

Speaking of, my brother still hasn’t called me back and I’ve been here three weeks now. I had hoped he would be back in time to come to court with me, but Lexi said he checked in with her and told her to tell me he was sorry he couldn’t make it. I’d love to know what he does for a job that it keeps him away from the phone for so many days and then, he only gets to talk for what seemed like ten minutes to Lexi. When I asked her what he did for work she shrugged saying they never spoke about it.

So not only do I take the stand in three days in front of everyone and Davis, but I have to do it without my brother.

Mason said he will be there with me which I’m thankful for. We’ve been getting along nicely since the scan like nothing bad had ever happened between us. Each day we’ve become a little bit closer, but there’s still that doubt in the back of my mind on whether this is something he truly wants long term.

“Earth to Denny,’’ Harlow laughs, waving her hand in front of my face to grab my attention.

“Sorry, I spaced out. Yeah, he asked me out Copyright 2016 - 2024