Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,18

didn’t want to drop the food.

Lexi is standing outside my brother’s front door when we return. She’s dressed in a maxi dress, the purple material clinging to her curves in all the right places. It makes me wonder again if there is more to her and my brother than just neighbours.

“Thank you for today. I had a really good day,’’ I smile turning to Mason. I lose my frown when he shuts off the car and undoes his seatbelt. “What are you doing?’’

“I’m coming in for a bit. We need to talk and we’ve not had a chance to talk yet. We’ve got the scan on Friday, that’s two days away. I don’t want things to be hanging in the air when I get to see our baby for the first time,’’ he says smiling softly at me.

“Okay,’’ I squeak.

Opening the door, I exit the car and search my bag for the keys. I’m starting to lose faith I’ll find them just as my fingers touch a key. I refrain myself from fist pumping the air and shouting ‘got them.’

Lexi notices us walking up the path and her pacing outside the door stops.

“Hey Lexi,’’ I wave.

“Hey Denny, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?’’ her eyes flicker to Mason briefly before locking them back onto me.

“Sure,’’ I tell her then turn to Mason holding out the keys. “Why don’t you go put the kettle on? I’m not sure what we have though.’’

“Okay,’’ he says looking to Lexi then back to me. His face looks pensive, unsure whether to leave me or not. He looks to be at war and it seems I won out because he sighs, his shoulders slumping before he heads inside.

“What’s up?’’ I ask once Mason closes the door behind him.

“Have you spoken with Evan at all?’’

“No why?’’ I ask, concerned by the slight hitch in her voice.

“He usually calls by now and he hasn’t. I thought it was him walking up the path earlier, not long after you left actually, but it wasn’t. It was some lad dropping off a letter or something. I walked out as he started back to his truck and realised it wasn’t your brother. I’m just worried,’’ she rambles, all her words mixing together and not making complete sense.

“I’m confused. Is there something about you and my brother that I don’t know about? He’ll be fine. He’s probably just busy,’’ I assure her, not really wanting to tell her he’s the biggest manwhore known to man and she shouldn’t waste her time on him. Not that I don’t love my brother because I do, it’s just where women are concerned he has no shame or morals.

“What? God no! I just... I um,’’ she stutters chewing on her bottom lip looking unsure and slightly frightened to tell me what she needs to say.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.’’

“No it’s not that. We’re not a couple or anything or having any kind of sexual relationship. I’m positive you don’t know about me, so please, what I’m about to tell you I’d rather you kept to yourself,’’ she says with her eyes pleading with me to agree. I nod my head ‘yes’ letting her finish with what she wants to say. “Your brother saved me from an abusive relationship. If it wasn’t for him I would be dead right now. He let me move in next door for free. He offered to keep me safe. He’s the only real friend I’ve got. I’m probably just being silly and he’s just too busy to call.’’

“I’m sure he’ll call once he has a chance. I’ll try calling him later to see if he answers, but to be honest I’m not so sure he will answer to me.’’

“Thank you. I’m sorry if I’ve worried you. It’s just not like him,’’ she smiles and I genuinely feel sorry for her. She cares for my brother and from what she’s saying he cares for her too. It’s kind of sweet really. “I’ll let you get in.’’

“Okay. Hope he calls back,’’ I smile take two steps to the door, knocking.

“Me too,’’ she whispers before waving her goodbye.

Mason is standing in the doorway, his large muscled arms crossed over his large sculpted chest, his beady eyes narrowing on the woman next door.

“What did she want?’’ he growls.

“Jesus, gossip much.’’

“She basically just dismissed me like I don’t have feelings. That really hurt my feelings, Angel.’’

I laugh at his lame attempt to look miserable. His eyes droop and his lips pull down Copyright 2016 - 2024