Mason (Carter Brothers #2) - Lisa Helen Gray Page 0,112

and his tight ass hugging jeans with his black shoes. My God I love him in a shirt. Especially when he has his shirt sleeves rolled up to his forearms and has the top three buttons undone showing off his hard chest. The veins in his muscled arms show when he lifts the moses basket off the floor from where Max had moved her and I have to discreetly wipe my mouth to make sure I didn’t drool. Ever since the night we had sex it’s been all I can think about. When the doctors told me we couldn’t have sex for a long time, I nearly cried.

“Hey, if I can’t hold her then leave her there so she knows I’m here,’’ Max whines watching Mason move Hope back on her stand. He moved Hope when he first arrived and I scolded him for trying to pick her up. So instead of picking her up he picked up the moses basket and carried her over to the armchair, placing the basket on the floor by his feet so he can stare at her.

“I doubt she thinks you leave,’’ Myles mutters chuckling.

“You’re just jealous that I’m the best uncle,’’ Max throws back.

I shake my head at their antics, knowing exactly how this will play out. They’ve been doing it since the day she was born and my ears can’t take any more.

“Well it’s lucky she’s got a mommy and daddy she loves a lot more,’’ I rub in, hoping to shut Max up for a little bit. He just scoffs rolling his eyes, when the front door knocks.

“I’ll get it,’’ Maverick speaks up, getting up off the side of the sofa from where he was looking down smiling at Hope.

He leaves and a second later returns with a frantic looking Joan. She breathes heavily as she comes in and kneels on the floor in front of where I’m lying down relaxing on the sofa, after only have two hours sleep last night.

“I’m so sorry,’’ she whispers, her eyes watering and her eyes filled with guilt.

“What are you sorry for?’’ I ask, looking at her confused. I’m struggling to figure out what she has done to warrant an apology.

“I’m the reason for all of this. For all of your troubles and why you left.’’

“Joan, what are you talking about?’’ I ask her again, sitting up a little but keeping my legs tucked under me.

“I’m the reason Hope is here today,’’ she gasps.

“I’m pretty sure you’re not Joan,’’ Mason grunts.

“Kinky,’’ Max mutters chuckling and earning a slap and a glare from Mason and I.

“Joan, get to the point, you’ve kind of got me worried.’’

“Denny, for you to understand I need to go back to the beginning a little. A few years ago Max and Mason were at the worst with their hoochie ways, so Mark and I decided to teach them a lesson and we went with Max first because he was the youngest and could be helped the quickest. We knew Mason would need more work,’’ she says dryly, looking at him with disgust making me bite back a smile.


“And it worked. But I’m so sorry. If I knew the simpleton wouldn’t have thrown them away, I would have done so myself,’’ she says giving Max a death glare.

“What are you talking about Joan; we’re going to be here all day at this rate? Hope needs her sleep,’’ Max tells her dryly, obviously not liking where the conversation is heading.

“Oh, yes, right. Well, I had a plan. Mark had told the boys they weren’t allowed to bring their lady friends around, or that Malik, Max, and Myles weren’t allowed to keep sleeping around. Max, thinking he could do as he pleased didn’t listen. So one morning, after the girl left I walked in as Mark distracted him with the third degree while I ran upstairs to poke holes in the condoms,’’ she winces.

“What does this have to do with me or Hope?’’ not clicking on to what she is trying to say and by looking at Mason’s face he has no idea either.

“Denny, you and Mason courted each other in that very room. You used those condoms. We were just cleaning out the room and three were missing. Two of those missing I knew had holes in them.’’

Then it all clicked into place and I sit back completely shocked and overwhelmed. Everything, and I mean everything, had happened because of a prank, but then I look over to Hope’s sleeping form and Copyright 2016 - 2024