Marrying Mr. Wrong (Dirty Martini Running Club #3) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,71

of brave comeback story. I do care if he tries to pull anything with you or this company. I wanted him to know that if he’s thinking about any kind of litigation against us for how your partnership ended, he has no ground to stand on, so he shouldn’t waste his time. Or money. We’ll bury him.”

“And you didn’t think I needed to know?”

She shrugged. “He agreed and said he has no plans to sue. Since he’s not a problem, I didn’t think it was worth mentioning. Plus, you were out of town. It was such a non-issue, I almost forgot I’d even seen him.”

I nodded slowly. I believed her. Or at least, I believed most of what she’d said. Although if Dominic had rolled over and shown his belly to her that easily, I was surprised she hadn’t bragged about how she’d made him squirm. Althea liked to boast about her victories, in and out of the courtroom.

But that was only a small doubt. Maybe it hadn’t felt like a satisfying victory, so she’d let it go. And I had been out of town all last week. That probably explained it.

“Okay, then,” I said. “If you get wind of anything on his end, let me know.”

“I will. And, Cox, I talked to Drew Easton again. They’re still interested in buying out Skyline.”

“And I’m still not interested in screwing over my investors.”

Her eyes flashed with frustration. “Are you sure your loyalty isn’t misplaced? You’re awfully concerned about Shepherd Calloway.”

“Calloway isn’t the only Skyline investor.”

“No, but he’s the reason you won’t take the deal, isn’t he? Or, more accurately, his assistant is why you won’t take the deal.”

“Believe it or not, this isn’t about my wife.”

“Your wife,” she muttered, rolling her eyes.

I chuckled. “You really ought to stop letting that bother you so much. And we move forward with Skyline as planned. We’re not selling.”

I didn’t wait for her to answer—or argue. Just gave her a nod and went back to my office.

Before I had a chance to sit down, my cell phone rang. It was Shepherd Calloway. That was odd.

“Calloway. What can I do for you?”

“Cox.” His voice was ice cold. Almost flat. “I have some things to go over with you. Can you meet me at the Oak Barrel tonight at six?”

“I think so. Hold on; let me check my calendar.”

I swiped to my calendar. I was free tonight. But why was Calloway calling me personally to set up a meeting? I’d have thought he’d have Sophie call Oliver to set something up. Still, he represented one of the single most important business partnerships I had right now.

“Sure. I’ll see you at six.”

“Good.” He ended the call.

“Nice to chat with you, too, Calloway.” I shook my head and pocketed my phone. I’d see what he wanted tonight.

Calloway was already at the Oak Barrel, an upscale wine bar downtown, when I arrived. He was dressed in a suit and tie and was seated at a table near the back. And he wasn’t alone. A guy in glasses, a sweater vest, and plaid shirt sat with him. Their chairs were angled away from each other, like they’d moved their seats in opposite directions before sitting down.

I straightened my cuffs and went to their table.

“Calloway.” I reached out my hand and we shook. His face was unreadable, but that was how he always looked. Definitely a man who kept his cards close. Not a guy I’d be in a hurry to invite to poker night.

He gestured to his companion. “This is Corban Nash.”

His expression was easier to read, but not easier to understand. He regarded me through narrowed eyes in a way that made me feel a bit like a lab rat running through a maze. He gave me a firm handshake, never breaking eye contact.

I took a seat in the empty chair. “What can I do for you gentlemen?”

“You know my assistant, Sophie Abbott?” Calloway asked.

Did I ever. I knew every delicious inch of her, but I wasn’t about to say that out loud. Especially to these two. “I do.”

“Curious choice of words.” Nash leaned forward, adjusting his glasses.

“Is it true you married her in Vegas?” Calloway asked.

My eyebrows lifted. “Has she spoken to you about that?”

“Our wives are her best friends,” Nash said, as if that explained everything.

“I suppose that means you already know the answer,” I said. “Sophie and I have a private agreement as to how we’re handling the legalities going forward.”

“What does the agreement entail?” Calloway asked.

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