Marrying Mr. Wrong (Dirty Martini Running Club #3) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,66

have a reason to meet with Dominic Coates?”

His eyebrows lifted. “Not that I’m aware of. Why?”

“I’m pretty sure I saw them together last weekend. They met at a restaurant and went inside. I was across the street, but I’m almost positive it was them.”

“Does Cox know?”

“No, I haven’t seen him since, and it didn’t seem like the kind of thing to bring up in a text. Do you think I should mention it?”

“Absolutely. If Althea’s up to something, he needs to know about it.”

“Okay, then I’ll tell him.”

“Good. Just don’t let him walk away when you’re talking to him. He does that when someone’s telling him something he doesn’t want to hear.”

That didn’t really surprise me. “Good tip. Thanks.”

“Anytime, darling. His flight landed on time, so he should be home soon. I already ordered dinner. It should be delivered in…” He paused to check his watch. “Ten minutes.”

“Wow, thanks.”

“It’s both my job, and my pleasure.” He came over and lifted my hand, then lightly kissed my knuckles. “Say hello to the husband for me. I’ll see you later.”

I rolled my eyes at his husband remark. “Bye, Oliver.”

He walked away and left through the front door.

Dinner arrived precisely ten minutes later—he really was good at his job—and I got a text from Cox saying he’d be home soon. I left the food in the kitchen and went to the bathroom to see if I could do something with my hair. Cox seemed to like it when I wore it down, so I took out my ponytail and worked a little product into it to tame the frizz.

My stomach tingled with anticipation. I hadn’t seen him all week, and I’d missed him. A lot. In fact, I’d definitely missed him more than I should, but I was having a very hard time convincing my heart—or my body—of that.

Was he going to mind that I’d slept in his bed all week? That I’d used his pillow because it smelled like him? I’d never slept so soundly. Being in his bed was like sinking into a cottony cloud of man heaven.

If he ever got married for real, she was going to be one lucky girl.

I heard him come in and my heart fluttered.

“Honey, I’m home,” he called from the kitchen.

He was so ridiculous.

But it was really good to hear his voice.

“Hi.” I came out, suddenly wishing I’d put on something sexier than this boring t-shirt and black leggings. My bra wasn’t even pretty, nor did my panties match.

Way to fail, Soph.

Oh well, too late now.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” His gaze swept up and down and the corners of his mouth lifted.

“It just occurred to me that I could have put on something sexier since I haven’t seen you in a week, but…” I shrugged.

“No need, sugar. You’re perfect just like this.” He slipped his hands around my waist and leaned in for a kiss.

As soon as his mouth touched mine, my body lit up. I draped my arms around his shoulders and melted into his kiss. His lips were soft but firm, his tongue velvety against mine. A week apart hadn’t changed anything. I was falling hard for this man.

Our lips separated and he pulled back, his brow furrowing.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

“No,” he said, although he still looked confused. Or maybe bewildered. “No, everything’s fine. It’s good to be home.”

“It’s good to have you back. Oliver sent dinner over. Should we eat?”

He fingered my hair, his eyes tracing over my face. “Sure. Let’s eat. I can have dessert later.”

The look in his eyes left no doubt as to what he wanted for dessert. Me.

I had no complaints about that.

We took our dinner to the table. Cox got out plates and silverware and opened a bottle of wine. It was one of my favorites, a Salishan Cellars red blend called Cookie. Delicious.

“How was your trip?” I asked when we’d gotten settled with our food.

“Too long. But otherwise, it was fine. Productive. How were things here?”

“Fine. It was a pretty normal week for me, other than staying here instead of my apartment.”

“How’s your dad?”

“He’s doing okay. Salty as usual.” I paused to take a bite. Now seemed as good a time as any to bring up Althea. “I saw something last weekend and I wasn’t sure if I should bring it up, but it keeps bugging me.”

“What’s that?”

“When I came to your office with Mr. Calloway, I met Althea McLellan. She’s your lawyer?”

“She is.”

“I saw her last Sunday outside a restaurant, but Copyright 2016 - 2024