Marrying Mr. Wrong (Dirty Martini Running Club #3) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,61

back with a roll of her eyes.

“Behave yourself,” she said.

“You never let me have any fun.”

I just laughed. They were so funny. They hadn’t grown up together—Jensen had lived with his mother in the UK while Nora had lived with her mom here in the States—but they acted like they’d been bickering since childhood.

We perused the menu for a few minutes before the server came and took our orders. I cast a few glances out the front window, looking across the street. Something about seeing Althea and Dominic together didn’t sit right with me.

Jensen reached over and ran his fingers over the back of my hand. “No ring. Is it true about Vegas?”

Trying not to giggle at his touch, I moved my hand. “That I got married? Yes, it’s true.”

“God, I bloody love it,” he said. “I’m only disappointed it wasn’t me. We’d make a gorgeous couple, don’t you think?”

I laughed again.

“How’s that going?” Nora asked. “Did you run into any issues filing the paperwork?”

I pressed my lips together for a second before answering. “About that. We actually haven’t filed for divorce yet.”

The server came with our drinks, but Nora’s gaze remained locked on me.

“Vegas was a month ago,” Nora said, narrowing her eyes. “Why would you wait to file for divorce?”

“Cox was concerned about bad PR if it looked like he was getting a quickie divorce, especially after the whole thing with his old business partner. So I agreed to stay married for a little while.”

Nora still stared at me, ignoring her mimosa. “And?”

I took a sip of my drink. Jensen watched us both, an amused smile on his lips.

“And things have happened,” I said with a little shrug, trying—and probably failing—to look innocent.

“I like where this is going,” Jensen said.

“You’re not helping.” She smacked his arm.

“We’ve been spending time together and last night things got… intimate.”

She put her hand over mine. “Part of me wants to ask you whether his dick is as big as his ego, because if it is, I’m so happy for you. But before we get to that, I need to know that this is good and you’re okay and he’s not bullying you into something because you’re technically married.”

“I love you for being concerned about me, but I walked into his bedroom in the middle of the night with no panties on.”

“Ooh,” Jensen said. “I’m so jealous.”

The corners of Nora’s mouth lifted. “Good for you, Soph. Going after what you want. I love it. Okay, so his dick?”

“Fantastic,” I said on a sigh. “I know this could all blow up in my face. And it probably will—this is me we’re talking about. But the truth is, I like him.”

“I had a feeling this would happen,” Nora said. “When he walked into Brody’s that day after our run, he was like a lion stalking a baby gazelle.”

“I was so irritated with him that day,” I said with a little shake of my head. “I’ll be honest. I’m not sure what it all means. I didn’t really think he was serious. Why would a guy like him—”

“Stop.” Nora put up a hand. “Stop right there, Sophie Abbott. Don’t you dare say you don’t know why a guy like him would be interested in a girl like you. I won’t have you talking about my best friend that way.”

I pressed my lips together again. “It’s just unexpected. But he’s unexpected.”

“Uh-oh,” Jensen said.


“You’re falling for your Vegas husband.”

I started to argue but stopped myself. There was no sense in lying. I was falling for Cox. A little bit, at least.

“It was kind of hard to avoid. Especially after the rooftop picnic.”

Nora sipped her drink. “That sounds romantic.”

“It was.” I told them about the day before. How I’d fallen and scraped my chin and Cox had treated me to a spontaneous rooftop picnic so I wouldn’t have to be self-conscious in a restaurant full of people. And then what had happened at my apartment, with the scary drunk guy looking for his cheating wife.

“Oh my god, I’m so glad Cox was there,” Nora said. “How bad is your apartment?”

“We went back this morning and it’s not as bad as I’d thought. Mostly it was just messy.”

“Let me know if you need any help with anything,” she said. “And have you considered moving? Your building is pretty sketchy.”

“I’m thinking about it now. That guy got in way too easily. I know I’m a hot mess, but I always lock my door.”

“I agree with my sister,” Jensen said. “Time to Copyright 2016 - 2024