Marrying Mr. Wrong (Dirty Martini Running Club #3) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,34

with you.”

“Being married doesn’t mean I’m going to stop chasing you. We’ve gotta keep the magic alive. Put in the work.” He grinned at me again, his eyes dancing with mischievous fire.

A twinge of pressure between my legs almost made me squirm in my seat. I settled for a quick thigh clench, hoping he wouldn’t notice. I did not want him to think he was getting to me. He was incorrigible enough as it was. He didn’t need more encouragement.

“I can’t tonight.”

“How about this weekend?”

“I don’t think we should go out.”

“Why not?”

“Look at what happened last time. We got married. What are we going to do if we go out again? Make a—”

I stopped and quickly closed my mouth, pressing my lips together.

Don’t say it, Cox. Don’t say make a baby.

The evil grin that stole across his features nearly sucked the air from my lungs and sent a flurry of tingles down my spine.

“Make a what, sugar?”

“Nothing. Never mind.”

“Tell you what. Go out with me on Saturday and I won’t tell your boss that you’re my wife.”

My eyes widened and I glanced over my shoulder, half expecting to see Mr. Calloway already standing there. I whipped back around and my voice was a low hiss. “You wouldn’t.”

“I’m trying not to be insulted that you seem to want to hide your husband from those closest to you.”

“We both know you’re not really my husband, and you’re not insulted that I didn’t tell my boss. Besides, he’d probably kill you if he knew.”

He chuckled. “I’d like to see him try.”

“Let’s not get into who’s the alpha male right now, please.”

“Then go out with me on Saturday.”

“You’re very accustomed to getting what you want, aren’t you?”

“Sugar, you have no idea.”

“And you’re not going to leave me alone until I agree, are you?”

“Now you’re gettin’ it.”

I let out a sigh. “Okay, Cox. I’ll go out with you. Although I have no idea why you want to go out with me.”

He smirked. Again. The cheeky bastard. “You’re my wife. Do I need a reason?”

I didn’t bother correcting him this time. Just rolled my eyes again. I had a feeling I knew what kind of game he was playing. He was confident to the point of cockiness. Accustomed to getting what he wanted. I’d known men like him in my life—my ex being a prime example. Men who could turn on the charm. Who knew how to use their gifts very, very well.

And for some inexplicable reason, Cox was turning his charm on me.

Of course, he probably just wanted what I’d unintentionally showed him that night when I hung off the balcony in no panties. What he may or may not have had once already in Vegas—because honestly, I still wasn’t sure.

He had his work cut out for him. For once in my life, I wasn’t going to be on the receiving end of that kind of disaster. He was Camden Cox, puller of pigtails and breaker of hearts.

And I wasn’t going to let him break mine.



I had Sophie right where I wanted her.

Granted, she wasn’t naked, pinned beneath me on my bed with my mouth teasing those luscious tits. That was where I really wanted her.

But she would be soon enough.

She’d denied that it had been for me, but she had worn the bra and panties I’d sent her. And to my office, no less.

Tonight, I was going to seal the deal—memorably this time. She had no idea what a treat she was in for.

I glanced in the bathroom mirror and started buttoning my shirt, wondering if I should shave or if Sophie preferred my well-trimmed stubble. It was a weekend, but I’d spent most of my day working in my home office and taken a break for a workout this afternoon. That had necessitated another shower before I was fit to be seen. Now my hair was damp and I hadn’t yet put on any pants.

Oliver waltzed into my master bathroom like he didn’t give two shits that I was only half dressed. For a guy who generally had impeccable manners, he was awfully lax about privacy.

“The dealership is expecting you. Ask for Johnathan. I texted that to you because I know you probably won’t remember.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That most of the time, you only half listen to me.”

“I listen.”

He shrugged. “When it suits you. In any case, Johnathan will be ready to roll out the red carpet.”

I finished buttoning my shirt. “Good.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to make a dinner Copyright 2016 - 2024