Marrying Mr. Wrong (Dirty Martini Running Club #3) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,106

he took my hands in his and as the officiant began the ceremony, he mouthed the words I’d once longed to hear. I love you.

I mouthed them back. And boy, did I mean them.

I loved this man so much, and the best part? He loved me right back.

Our marriage hadn’t exactly begun in the usual way. Most people didn’t marry someone they barely knew when they were too drunk to remember it the next day. I still didn’t remember much about that Vegas wedding. But we’d framed a collage of photos from that crazy night and put them on our living room wall, a fun memento of the wild night that had brought us together.

Neither of us had a single regret.

And now, here we were, in front of family and friends, saying our vows—vows that truly meant something. Because this time, we were madly in love, devoted to each other, and ready to spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife.

Maybe it was a good thing I’d gone commando in that dress. Because, who knows, if I’d been wearing panties, maybe none of the rest of it would have happened.

I met Cox’s eyes again and smiled. I had a little secret he was going to discover later.

I’d gone commando again today.

Need a peek into Cox and Sophie’s happily ever after? Prepare to swoon with this bonus epilogue.


Have you read about the other Dirty Martini girls, Everly and Hazel? Check out Everly and Shepherd’s story in Faking Ms. Right and Hazel and Corban in Falling for My Enemy.

In the mood for more steamy romcom goodness? Check out Book Boyfriend! Turn the page for a preview…

Book Boyfriend: Chapter 1


Sometimes in life we all have moments when we realize we screwed up so badly, there’s no way out.

I’m having one of those moments.

Mia is staring at me, wide-eyed, like I just told her I murdered her mother. I didn’t, for the record. But the book she’s holding falls from her limp hand, and her mouth moves like she’s trying to find something to say. The depth of the trouble I’m in is starting to hit me.

This is going to be bad.

“Are you serious?” she asks. “You aren’t serious. How? No. You can’t be.”

“I am.” Damn it, this is not how I wanted to tell her. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been planning on telling you. I wanted to tell you. It just never seemed like the right time, and when it did seem right, things kept happening.”

She looks at the floor, her head slowly shaking from side to side. I’m panicking, trying to come up with the right thing to say. Is there a right thing to say when you’ve been lying to the woman you’re in love with? If there is, I don’t know what it is.

“Oh my god,” she says, stepping away from me. “Oh my god. I’ve been… and you were… this whole time… and it was… Lexi was you?”

“Yes, Lexi was me.”

“Holy shit.” She puts her hand on her stomach, like she might vomit. “I’ve been telling you things—things about you. And you’ve been using that, haven’t you? You’ve been manipulating me this whole time.”

“No,” I say, putting up a hand. “No, Mia, I swear it wasn’t like that.”

“How can you say that?” she asks. “Oh god, it started in the bookstore. Can I buy you books? I told Lexi I wished a guy would do that, and you used it on me. You picked me up with my own line.”

“No. God, Mia, I didn’t know who you were then. I just thought you were cute and it seemed like a good idea.”

“When did you know?” she asks, finally looking me in the eyes.

I stare at her, suddenly unable to speak. All my logic, all the decisions that seemed perfectly reasonable up until this moment come crashing down around me. The proverbial house of cards.

I really fucked this up.

“Alex, when did you find out who I was?”

“After we had dinner at Lift,” I say, reluctantly. “You messaged Lexi and talked about your date. I knew it had to be me.”

She gapes at me, her mouth dropping open, her eyes widening.

Yep. I’m screwed.

“How could you keep this from me?”

“The only person who knows is my sister,” I say. “I kept it a secret from everybody else.”

“Yeah? Well, you aren’t sleeping with everybody else,” she says.

I wince. “Mia, please. I didn’t mean to lie to you.”

“Of course you meant to,” she says. “Lying doesn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024