Marrying Mr. Wrong (Dirty Martini Running Club #3) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,102

out here in front of this idyllic home. “Where are we, by the way?”

“I have something to show you.” He gestured behind him, toward the lake. “This way.”

I followed him on a path that led around the house. It was so pretty here. Fir trees surrounded us and the lake was a big blue oval in the wide clearing. Behind the house was another, smaller building right on the bank, with a dock stretching out into the water.

Cox led me all the way to the second building—a cute little cottage. He pulled a single key out of his pocket and opened the door.

“Fishing, right?” he asked.


“Your dad. He likes fishing?”

“Yes, but why?”

He gestured inside. “No stairs. Lots of light. Two bedrooms and a fully remodeled kitchen. Only one bathroom, but it’s big. And the dock is right through the back door. No stairs there either. You also said nice neighborhood, and I don’t know if this counts, since there’s only one neighbor. But I thought the dock for fishing might make up for it.”

“You found this for my dad?”

“Yeah. Do you want to see inside?”

I nodded and followed him in.

The cottage was so perfect, I couldn’t have dreamed up a better place for my dad. Big windows let in lots of light. The living room had the perfect spot for his recliner. And no stairs. There was a bedroom right off the living area, so he wouldn’t even have to walk very far to go to bed. The style was rustic, like a getaway cabin, but he’d love that. And just a few steps from the back door, he could walk out onto the dock and go fishing any time he wanted.

But as I wandered through the cottage, my heart sank a little. Even though this would be wonderful for my dad—he’d be so happy here—Cox was just making good on our agreement. That was why he wanted to see me. The music box had been a nice gesture, but I had a feeling this was it. Once he bought my dad a house, our arrangement would be over.

We’d be over.

More tears stung my eyes as I gazed out at the view of the lake through the kitchen window.

“What do you think?” he asked.

I wiped my cheeks, wishing he hadn’t seen. “It’s amazing.”

“You like it?”

“I don’t even think I’ll have to talk him into moving here.”

He let out a breath. “Good.”

“Thank you. This is so much more than I could have hoped for.” I sniffed again, because of course I did. I was incapable of being cute when I cried. Like usual, I was a mess. “Who lives in the big house?”

“No one right now. But…”

“But, what?”

“It’s all one piece of property.”

“But my dad doesn’t need that big house. There must be a million stairs in that thing.”

He nodded. “There are.”

“Then why did you…” I trailed off. He couldn’t mean… Except what if… Was this… “Cox, if you tell me you bought that house for me so I wouldn’t have to move back into my crappy apartment, I’m warning you, I’m going to collapse on the floor and sob and it won’t be pretty. I can’t live in a big house like that all by myself. I’ll have to get five more cats and maybe that bearded dragon Nora talked me out of and probably a dog or three and I don’t have time to take care of all those animals.”

By the time I finished babbling, I was already sobbing.

“Oh, sugar,” he said, his brow furrowing with concern. He stepped closer and fingered one of my curls. “No, I was hoping we could live there.”


“Yes. You and me. A man should live with his wife, shouldn’t he?”

“Your wife?” I asked through the tears.

Looking deep into my eyes, he touched my face. “Sophie, I’m so sorry for everything. I’m sorry I believed Althea when I should have trusted you. That moment of doubt might have cost me everything. I won’t blame you if you tell me to fuck off and get out of your life. But before you do, I need you to know something. I love you.”

My lower lip trembled and a few more tears trailed down my cheeks.

“I had no idea I could love someone as much as I love you.” He lowered himself down on one knee and took my hands in his. “Sophie Abbott, marrying you wasn’t a mistake. In fact, it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t quite remember if I Copyright 2016 - 2024