The Marriage Contract - Katee Robert Page 0,62

on Devlin’s face when he rushed in had been priceless.

“I’d make fun, but Aileen is very…formidable.” She greased the cookie sheets and rolled the pizza dough onto them. “And I did my own bit of dodging yesterday.”

“It’s easier with phone calls.” He sipped his beer.

Callie checked the oven and then popped the cookie sheets in. “For now. It’s only a matter of time before she shows up on my doorstep again.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to suggest they make a run for it, but Teague bit the words back. She wouldn’t leave her family behind any more than he would. That loyalty was something that he’d previously considered a weakness. Now, he wasn’t so sure. It seemed like family got them into as many problems as it got them out of, but he couldn’t imagine his life without his siblings. And Callie obviously loved her father dearly. “You could always tell her no.”

She raised her eyebrows and propped her elbows on the counter. “Have you met your mother?”

“Good point.” He laughed. This was…nice. He’d known he enjoyed Callie’s company, but he hadn’t gotten to experience it on this level. Even with the world falling to pieces around them, he could see a glimpse of what the future might look like. A future where they had quiet nights like this. Where there’d be laughter and conversation and a home that was a bastion against the outside world. A sanctuary. “Do you want kids?”

The oven beeped and she busied herself taking the cookie sheets out and setting them on the stovetop. Then she turned back to him. “Eventually, yes. Maybe not seven.” She smiled. “But, once things calm down, yes, I’d like a few children. Do you?”

“Yes.” He answered in a rush, and cleared his throat. “My siblings are one of the most important parts of my life.”

“That’s how I felt about Ronan. He was always in my corner, even when we were growing up and fighting like cats and dogs.” A shadow passed over her face. “I miss him.”

“I’m sorry, angel. I didn’t mean to bring up bad thoughts.”

“No, it’s okay. He’s gone no matter if we talk about it or not, and not talking about it might make me feel better in the short term, but I’m partially afraid I’ll start to forget him.”

“Come here.” He waited for her to walk around to him and then wrapped his arms around her. The physical touch wouldn’t drive away all the bad things in the world, but it was all he knew how to offer. “You can talk about your brother to me whenever you want. I’ll always be here to listen.”

“Thank you.” Her voice was partially muffled by his shirt. She clung to him, her fingers digging into his back. “I’m glad you’re okay, Teague.”

He stroked his hands up her back to tangle in her hair and tip her head so he could see her eyes. “I’m here, angel.” He kissed one corner of her mouth and then the other. “I’m right here.” His next kiss took her mouth, slow and sweet, and he went rock hard at the little whimper she made when his tongue brushed hers.

Callie jerked back, but she didn’t leave the circle of his arms. “You’re trying to seduce me.”

“Trying? I thought I was doing a pretty damn good job of it.”

“You are—were.” She shivered. “But that’s not why I’m here.”

Maybe not, but he didn’t think he could let tonight end without tasting her again and feeling her come apart in his arms. “What did you have planned for tonight?” Because she obviously had plans in place, or she wouldn’t be digging in her heels so spectacularly.

“Dinner.” She slipped away from him and grabbed the jars of pizza sauce. “Movies. A full night of sleep.”

It struck him all over again that she wanted to take care of him. “I’m willing to negotiate.”

“Negotiate all you want.” She finished spreading the sauce and started on the cheese. “You need to take it easy.”

No, what he needed to take was her.

Teague finished his beer and pushed to his feet. He crossed the kitchen to her and caught her hips when she turned around. “Teague!”

“Here’s a newsflash, angel.” He pulled her closer, lining up their hips so she could feel exactly how turned on he was. “I’d have to be in a goddamn coffin not to want you.”

“Don’t say things like that.” Her hands came up to fist in the front of his shirt, but she didn’t push Copyright 2016 - 2024