The Marriage Contract - Katee Robert Page 0,40

enough to make him want to never let her go.

“Tell me what you want, angel.” He’d loved hearing that she’d been touching herself and thinking of him the last few days. Teague could get addicted to filthy words coming from that prim mouth of hers.

She arched her back and spread her legs wider. “Make me come, Teague. Please.”

Fuck. All the dirty words in the world didn’t compare to her saying his name in that tone of voice. “Tell me how you want it.”

“Your mouth.” Her hands stayed in his hair as he moved down her body to settle between her thighs. He started to slip his fingers out of her, but her grip tightened. “And your hands. I want both.”

“Greedy girl.” It struck him that he’d give this woman the world if she asked it of him in that breathless voice. A shudder worked through him, but he pushed the thought away. Right now he had something else to focus on. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, adjusting to just the right angle that had her upper body nearly coming off the mattress. There it is. He pressed an openmouthed kiss to her clit while he kept up that motion, giving himself a few seconds to just enjoy the taste and feel of her before he zeroed in on the little flicks that had gotten her off last time.

She went wild beneath him, until he had to use his free hand to pin her hips. Her entire body tightened, her pussy milking his fingers. She cried out, his name on her lips as she came. “Teague.”

He gave his fingers a few more pumps, drawing her orgasm out as much as possible. Only when she was limp and flushed did he give her clit one last thorough kiss and then move up to lie next to her. He was so fucking hard, it was a wonder he didn’t lose it while he’d been going down on her. It was far too tempting to sink into all that welcoming wet heat.

Not yet. Not tonight.

Callie stretched, her arms over her head, her body one long line that had his mouth watering, and then she moved, pushing his shoulder and shoving him onto his back. She came with him, ending up straddling his waist. Her grin was back, and he drank in the sight of it like a starving man. She shifted, her pussy sliding along his cock, teasing him. “You make me so hot.”

He grabbed her hips, but then froze, not sure if he wanted to make her stop that mind-blowing movement or if he wanted to lift her, adjust their angle, and then sheath himself to the hilt. She took the choice away from him, sliding down his body to take his cock in hand. “I’ve thought about doing this, too.”

“I’m sure as fuck not going to stop you.” He reached down, gathering her hair in his fist and drawing it to the side so he could see everything. She stroked him, somewhere between teasing and exploration, before finally dipping her head and taking him between her lips. His eyes damn nearly rolled back in his head as she sucked him down until he bumped the back of her throat. “Holy shit.”

She hummed a little as she licked and sucked and drove him out of his godforsaken mind. Watching his cock disappear between those sinful lips was almost as good as the feel of her around him. Almost. He closed his eyes, trying to hold on, to keep control, but she reached between his legs and cupped his balls, squeezing just hard enough that he was lost. “Angel, I’m—”

She didn’t stop. Fuck, she picked up her pace, driving him crazy, building the pleasure until he couldn’t hang on a second more. He came, thrusting into her mouth as she sucked him down. When she finally lifted her head, he was well and truly spent. “You’re fucking amazing.”

“I do what I can.” She kissed his hip bone and let him drag her up his body to tuck against his side.

“Stay the night.”

“I already said I would.”

“I know.” He kissed her forehead. “Still thinking too much?”

She laughed. “It’s safe to say you drove every single thought right out of my mind.”

And she’d more than returned the favor. All in all, he considered the night a tally in the win column. His time with Callie was a little oasis in the shit storm of their current circumstances, but he was willing to Copyright 2016 - 2024