The Marriage Contract - Katee Robert Page 0,17

boy. This will settle your stomach.”

Since her stomach was currently tied up into a maze of knots, she wasn’t sure she could manage even the light snack. But she’d learned a long time ago that Emma was usually right about these things, so she dutifully picked up a piece of toast and took a bite.

Emma nodded. “Good. And you—” She pointed a dark finger at her son. “You watch our Callie’s back tonight. You keep her safe.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Micah ducked his head. “It’d be easier to do if she wasn’t slipping her guard every time I turned around.”

“Stop trying to get me into trouble with your mother.” When he just raised his brows, she glared. “I shouldn’t have even told you about going out with Teague tonight.”

“If you hadn’t, then I would have had to track your ass down, and gotten my ass reamed for letting you drive off without an escort.”

“Micah! Language.”

“Sorry, Mama.” He nodded at the door. “Callie, go get dressed up. Knock that O’Malley bastard’s socks off—sorry again, Mama—and see what his family is up to while you’re at it.”

She laughed, even though her stomach did a slow turn at another go-round with Teague. “I’ll be sure to get all his dirty little secrets.” She grabbed the plate and stood. “I’ll bring this back down when I’m done.”

“Thank you, Callie.” Emma’s dark eyes, so similar to her son’s, were sympathetic. “You try to have a good time tonight, you hear?”

“I’ll do my best.” As soon as she left the safe haven of the kitchen, all the fears that had been plaguing her rushed back to the forefront of her mind.

Where had Papa been all day?

She dreaded finding out what he’d been up to. Or, rather, what he’d commanded his men to get up to. This was a significant step in the wrong direction. Worse, it was all her fault. If she hadn’t gone looking for Brendan, things never would have gotten so out of control, and he’d still be alive.

God, the realization that she was the cause of his death was still almost enough to have her running for the bathroom.

Would it get better over time? A small part of her almost hoped that it wouldn’t, because that would mean she was different from her father and every Sheridan who’d come before her. Papa wasn’t one to brag about his kills, but Ronan used to huddle down with Callie and whisper about the things he heard Papa’s men talking about. The same man who’d taught her how to ride a bike was also a man who’d killed dozens of people in the name of business and revenge. She still had problems reconciling the two, even though she’d seen more glimpses of that side of him in the last few months than she had in all the twenty-five years leading up to it.

She shivered, the small hairs on the back of her neck standing at attention. Callie turned a slow circle after she shut her bedroom door, but there was no one in the room except her. “Someone just walked over my grave.” She shivered again.

Nothing good would come of this—any of it.

Which was exactly why she’d agreed to go to dinner with Teague tonight. They needed to have a meeting of minds and see if they could come up with a way to get this runaway train back under control. She had a feeling that, left to their own devices, the patriarchs of the three families would be only too happy to set Boston aflame to serve their own purposes.

And she was the spark that set the whole explosion into motion.

Feeling sick all over again, she grabbed the nearest dress and pulled it on. It was a red number that did wonderful things for her cleavage, but the effect would be dimmed by the scarf required to cover her fading bruises. She wound the light fabric around her throat, wondering how Teague would react. It was imperative that she didn’t give anything away. If he knew she was the cause of all this…

There was nothing stopping him from announcing it to the world and turning her over to the Hallorans for justice. Papa might fight for her, but even all the strength he could summon wouldn’t be enough if the other two families thought her death would see justice served.

She stopped. What if I turned myself in? Would it be enough to stop this? If it was, wasn’t she honor bound to tell the truth? She slipped Copyright 2016 - 2024