The Marriage Contract - Katee Robert Page 0,108

and feeling like he’d been run over by a truck—several times. His gaze landed Callie’s sleeping form, curled up in a chair next to his bed. “Angel.” His voice was so hoarse, it was barely above a whisper.

But she heard it. She sat up. “You’re awake.”

He lifted his hand, and she wasted no time coming to perch on the edge of his bed. “What happened?”

“Your…friends…at the FBI showed up right in the nick of time to save you and arrest everyone.”

The way she said friends indicated that she knew exactly what devil’s bargain he’d struck with the FBI. So they’d shown up to save the day? It was almost enough to make him laugh—at least it would be if he didn’t get the feeling it would hurt a whole hell of a lot. So typical of them to ride in just in time to sweep up the mess. “No one knows.”

“I’m not particularly worried about it at this point.”

Something inside him relaxed. That was it. The air was finally clean between them. He had no more lies, and she… “Is Brendan’s death the only skeleton in your closet?”

“Yes.” She didn’t so much as flinch.

Fuck, he loved this woman. He reached for her hand and carefully laced his fingers through hers. “Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Honeymoon?”

“Don’t you think we deserve one after this?”

“Well, most definitely, but—”

“Then we’ll take one.” He glanced down at the bandages covering his chest. “As soon as the doctor gives me a thumbs-up on being able to do my husbandly duties.”

“There’s still quite a bit of mess to clean up here. Both our fathers are being charged with assault. Victor Halloran is being charged with conspiracy to commit murder, but I think the police are more excited about the evidence of tax fraud they found when they searched his house.” She shook her head. “It’s enough to make a cynical person wonder if they waited for the conflict to start solely so they could get access to the place.”

Since Teague suspected that was exactly what they’d done, he wasn’t about to jump to their defense. “And the rest?”

“I think they had their eyes on the prize, so to speak. Aiden and Carrigan are fine. They were able to slip away when the commotion started with the feds. Your mother and other sisters are back in town. They’ve all been in to see you already.” She made a face. “Your mother wasn’t impressed by our eloping. I’m nearly one hundred percent sure she’s going to insist on going ahead with a giant wedding.”

That sounded like his mother. He noted the dark circles under Callie’s eyes. For all her attempts at being upbeat, she was obviously exhausted. “How long was I out?”

“Two days. They had a difficult time stopping the bleeding in your chest from the gunshot wound, and those bruised ribs are now officially broken, but they got you patched up.”

Shit. He frowned at her. “And how much of that have you been here?” When she didn’t answer, he tugged on her hand. “Angel, answer me.”

“I went home to shower and get a few changes of clothing.”

But she’d been by his side the rest of the time. “I don’t deserve you.”

“I think that’s up for debate.” Her smile was the barest curving of her lips, gone as quickly as it appeared. “I’m sorry I lied to you.”

“Everyone lies, angel. I’m more worried that this tendency of sacrificing yourself for others is a habit of yours.” He waited until she looked at him again. “I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. Not even when my brother died.” Fuck, that still hurt. “Not when I found out Carrigan was taken. Never. Until you called me to tell me that you loved me and you’re turning yourself over to the Hallorans.”

“I thought it was the best way to make sure no one else you cared about was hurt by something I started.” She met his gaze, her blue eyes holding so many things, he was at a loss to name them all. “It was naive to believe that, but my head isn’t already on straight when it comes to you.”

“Did you ever stop to think that maybe you’re one of the people I care about?” He hesitated, but there was nothing holding him back from admitting how he felt. “I love you, too—more than I ever thought possible—and the thought of losing you…Angel, don’t ever pull that shit again.”

“I can’t promise that.”

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