Marked by Death (Necromancer #1) - Kaje Harper Page 0,22

bad at that age.”

“He’s not my apprentice,” Silas said. His master had been fond of a quick backhand as a way to focus Silas’s attention, and he’d sworn he’d never treat anyone that way.

Grim, lurking unseen around a corner said, “And a good thing too.”

“Huh?” He frowned at the cat who strolled into view.

Anya knelt to extend a hand to Grimalkin. “You were right. He needed a boost.”

Grim touched his forehead to her fingertip. “Your help is appreciated, Healer.”

Silas almost boggled at the sight of the cat being polite, but hurried to add, “Yes. Thanks for coming. What do I owe you?”

“Let’s wait to settle up,” she said. “When you clear out that young man, you should have something better to offer me than money.”

Healers were always hungry for energy, even more than for money, but needed to come by it honestly. Well, a dozen ghosts should provide enough. “I think that can be arranged.”

“I’m off, then.” She pulled the scarf out of her pocket and wrapped it around her ears. “Bitter cold out there today. Seems like every winter’s colder than the one before.” She pointed a finger at him. “And don’t you dare say it’s because I’m getting older.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, mistress.” In fact, her dark eyes were as bright and her umber skin as smooth as a woman half her age. He opened the door for her and gave her a respectful nod as she passed.

When the door closed behind her, he refreshed the door wards, enjoying the easy flow of power under his skin. He’d hated being tapped out.

He should go tend to his work, but he couldn’t resist going up to check on Darien. The boy appeared asleep, but when he would’ve drawn back, Darien said, “Three days?” without opening his eyes.

“You heard that?” Healers usually sent their patient to sleep while treating them.

“Yes. Who was she?”

“Someone who can help.” The existence of Healers was a well-kept secret. If their talents became known, they’d be a target for every secret government and army and petty despot and criminal leader out there. Even within the community, they weren’t spoken of lightly. He went to the bed. “How do you feel? How’s your head?”

“It doesn’t hurt.” Darien opened his eyes, looking wide with wonder. “Nothing hurts! It’s lovely, like floating in marshmallows. I’d forgotten.” He smiled, then giggled, almost drunkenly. “I feel so gooood.”

How long has it been since he had no pain? Ghosts couldn’t cause harm directly, but those ridged scars on Darien’s arm showed how much they could do indirectly. Silas sat on the edge of the bed and set a hand on Darien’s leg. “I’m glad.”

Darien’s gaze dropped to Silas’s hand. Despite layers of blanket, sheet, and pajama pants between them, Silas swore he could feel the warmth of Darien’s skin under his touch. His thigh there, and his hip, and beyond— Trying to be nonchalant, Silas tweaked the covers straighter, then folded his hands in his lap. That covered a multitude of sins, from the stiffening of his misguided dick to the slight tremor in his fingers.

Darien pushed himself up to sitting, his eyes fixed on Silas. That was nothing which should’ve made Silas’s mouth go dry, but he swallowed hard.

“What will we do with those three days?” Darien mused, brushing his hair off his forehead with a languid hand. It was definitely not chance that his hand traced its way down his chest and under the covers afterward. Darien licked his full lips, and tilted his head.

Silas stood in a rush, and backed up two steps. He wasn’t so desperate he could be seduced by a pretty mouth and a moment of heat. “I was told to feed you.”

He realized that wasn’t the best evasion when Darien smiled crookedly. “I could get onboard with that. I’ve been told I… eat… very well.”

“We can’t,” Silas snapped, to cover how much he suddenly wanted to. Strip that lean body down, get my hands on him, slide between those lips—

“Why not?” Darien raised his eyebrows, then touched his forehead. “Hey, that doesn’t hurt either!” After a second of probing at his head, he focused back on Silas. “Anyway, why not? I’m gay. You ‘enjoy other men.’ Unless you have a lover tucked away somewhere, why not? It’s been way too fucking long since I had energy for fucking. Carpe diem, as my coach used to say. Though not in this context. He was straight as a board.”

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