Mark of Damon by Eva Chase Page 0,28

could recall.

“It must be hard, getting rid of so much stuff all of a sudden,” he ventured. His gaze fixed on me with an intentness I didn’t understand either. Was he thinking about his own dad, who’d run out on him and his mom when he’d been a little kid? I didn’t know if he still had anything that’d belonged to the guy.

“You know, I expected it to be, but I actually feel kind of elated, taking this step.” I motioned to the boxes. “Instead of hiding what’s left of Dad’s life away, I’m getting it out into the world where it can do people some good. That feels… about as right as anything can.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Damon offered me an awkward smile. He opened his mouth as if he was going to add something, but just then the gate whirred open again to admit Rose’s Buick.

As soon as she turned the car toward the garage, I spotted the damage. I walked to meet her at the driver’s side door.

“Hey,” I said, setting that concern aside for a moment to beam at her. She bobbed up to give me a quick kiss, her grin in return setting off a rush of warmth right through my body. I forced myself to refocus on what was technically my job, with a tip of my head toward the rear of the car. “What happened there?”

Rose grimaced as we studied the area just past the back door. A dent about the size of my hand marked the pale blue surface. Scratch marks ran through it and streaked several inches farther, revealing the darker metal under the paint.

“Someone must have bumped the car while it was parked on the street,” Rose said. “I didn’t see it happen, and they didn’t leave a note. Nothing some magic can’t fix.” She wiggled her fingers, but her smile looked a little tired.

“Hey,” I said. “That should be my job. I’ve got to earn my keep around here, don’t I?” I enjoyed puttering around with all the estate’s vehicles, but getting down to work for Rose’s direct benefit was the most satisfying feeling of all.

She shot me an amused glance. “If you want to do the repairs, you can. Will it be very hard to fix the nonmagical way?”

I shook my head. “I’ll just need to get my hands on some paint to match. Might be a little tricky, given the age of the car…” I gave her a peck on the forehead. “You might want to start thinking about whether there’s another color you’d like in case I have to repaint the whole thing. Or I suppose I might let you take over with your skills in that case.”

She chuckled. “Maybe it’s time for a refresh anyway. I’ll come up with a few ideas, but I trust your connections.” Her gaze slid past me to the boxes. “What have you been up to?”

With my consort next to me in all her sweetness and good humor, I felt even more sure of my decision. “Just some old things of my dad’s I was hoping to bring into town…”

Chapter Eleven


Rose came to talk to me last. I’d figured the conversation was coming, even though I hadn’t mentioned any overwhelming memories or other weirdness. When it came to protecting us, she didn’t cut any corners.

She knocked on my bedroom door rather than coming right in, as if I’d have minded. “Damon?”

I set down my phone and scooted to the edge of the bed, the uneasy anticipation I’d been trying to distract myself from expanding in my gut. “Come in.”

As she slipped inside, I got to my feet. I felt a little more in control standing at my full height, a little readier.

At least the fact that she’d talked to me last meant I could ask the question that would decide what I did next. I motioned to the hall beyond the doorway. “Are the other guys okay? Did you pick up on anything messing with them?”

Rose shook her head, the gesture sending a shock of relief through me so sharp I had to hold myself from sitting back down. Her expression still looked worried, though.

“I couldn’t detect any malicious magic on or around them,” she said. “I’m not sure—it could be some sort of natural mental phenomenon, like PTSD flashbacks. We have been through a lot. I just don’t see why it’d be hitting everyone now. Would you mind if I checked you over just in case?”

“Of course not.” Copyright 2016 - 2024