Marauder - Bella Di Corte Page 0,65

of her voice when she’d said my name.

I’ll have to get used to people calling me by that name. The name that connects me to him.

Without my response, Maureen barreled right into it. “I need you to keep Connolly for a while. Just until 3 o’clock or so.” She took the little girl by the shoulder and urged her closer to me.

Connolly looked up at me and I looked down at her. I smiled but she didn’t respond.

“I have a fitting for my job.” Not that I minded taking her with us, but she hardly knew me. I didn’t want her to feel awkward. “Maybe we can plan a time for—”

Maureen shook her head and pushed Connolly even closer to me. “Mrs. Kelly,” she said, and her eyes were so serious on mine. “I need this from you.”

I stared at her for a moment, trying to understand. Nothing became clear to me, though, except for one thing. Maureen was desperate. “Okay.” I nodded. “Connolly gets to spend the day with me.”

A heavy breath visibly left Maureen’s mouth. She touched Connolly on the head and then hustled in the opposite direction.

“Looks like it’s the three of us,” I said to Connolly. “Do you mind going to work with me for a while?”

We stared at each other, and it seemed like she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

I stooped down, trying to get eye level with her. “The clouds are bright today,” I said, hoping she remembered our talk from the party. “I know you don’t mind coming with me. And after, we’ll do a little shopping. A girl has to have a pretty dress. Mr. Kelly’s treat.” I smiled at her and then stood, offering her my hand. I wasn’t sure if she’d take it, but after a few seconds, she put her little hand in mine and my heart filled instantly.

It sunk just as fast when a familiar ringer sounded and my mother’s face appeared on the screen of my cellphone.

“Shit,” I muttered. Since there was no time like the present, I answered it.

“Keely,” she said, like she had to make sure it was me.

“Mam,” I said.

She went on about the usual stuff as we all started walking together. After a few minutes, when we’d made it to Raff’s car, she made it to the reason she had called.

“The wedding,” I repeated after her, knowing it was do or die. “There’s no need to plan anything right now, Mam. See. The thing is.” Deep breath. “We’re married. We got married in a church!” I rushed out, so she wouldn’t have a heart attack or combust on the spot. “We couldn’t wait. Maybe we can have a reception later. To celebrate.”

“You’re married,” she repeated. She’d heard me, but she wanted me to repeat it again. To torture me.

“I’m married,” I said. “The deal is sealed. But we’re keeping it a secret right now.”

“From Mari?” she said, her voice both suspicious and lethal. Neither one bothered me. It was the guilt trip she was going to take me on that I dreaded.

“Yeah,” I said. “Especially from Mari.”

I hated how she always brought Mari up first. To make sure Mari didn’t know what she did. I didn’t want Mari to know, for my own reasons, so it was best if my mam thought she had the upper hand. I’d tell Mari when I was ready.

“My only living daughter. Married without her Mam there to see it.” She sniffed, and I resigned myself to the infamous words coming next. The ones that ate at me like acid.

I mouthed the words as she said them: “Roisin wouldn’t have done this to me.” A second later, she hung up.

I stared at the phone for a second before I stuck it my pocket. A pressure came from my other hand, and I realized that Connolly was watching me, and holding my hand a little tighter.

After my costume fitting, I decided on a designer boutique in Manhattan to find a dress for the event. I’d never stepped foot in such an exclusive place, but as soon as I did, one of the salesgirls rushed to help me.

“I have an event tonight,” I said to her as she looked me over from head to toe. Maybe trying to guess my size. “Formal. Something in green.” Then I gave her my size. I didn’t have time to play that game. They either had my size or they didn’t. If they didn’t, I’d take my Copyright 2016 - 2024