Marauder - Bella Di Corte Page 0,52

room. Whenever I walked back in, I’d be married to the man known as the marauder.

The thief of hearts.

I took one step out of the door and ran into a solid chest. When I looked up, my mouth fell open. Then it snapped shut. “What are you doing here?” I hiss-whispered at Harrison.

“What am I doing here?” He matched my tone. “I should be asking you the same thing! Have you lost your mind? You’re choosing to do this, Kee?”

“Wow,” I said, drawing the word out. “Kelly has a big mouth.”

He shook his head. “We were in the middle of a business meeting when Raff called and told Kelly he had to get here right away. Kelly had me walk with him so we could finish talking. He told me a minute ago to come and check on you. Now I see this. You. Dressed like that. And since we’re standing in a church—not hard to figure out.”

Oh. I had a big mouth then. I should’ve felt Harrison out more before I spilled my secret.

I narrowed my eyes at my brother. “You don’t get to judge me on this, Harrison! You don’t. I’ll do whatever I have to do to survive this.” I went to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

“Kee,” he said. “I’m not judging you. But listen—just listen! For once!”

I took a deep breath before I turned to face him.

“Whatever you’re thinking, forget it,” he said. “Whatever you’re planning, forget it. It’s not going to make a difference. Not with him. It’s too late.”

“What do you mean?” I said slowly. “Too late?”

“Kee.” He shook his head. “The entire family believes you’ve fallen for Kelly.”

“So? Isn’t that what they’re supposed to believe?”

“We grew up with you, Kee.”


“And—how much clearer do you need me to be? You are falling for him. That’s why you hate him. You know you are, and you don’t want to. So you’re fighting him because it’s the only choice you have. If I know it, Kelly knows it.”

“What kind of woman does that make me, Harrison?” I whispered, gripping the sides of the dress so tightly that my knuckles strained. “That my heart…it’s…not at war with this. It’s at war with the idea of this. Him bullying me into it.”

“Maybe it’s just attraction. Just physical. It’ll pass. And…” Harrison shook his head, running a hand through his hair, making it stick up. “I don’t know, Kee. I have no clue.” Then my brother pulled me in, and my head fell against his chest. He kissed me on the forehead. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t. He got his revenge. It’s enough.”

“It’s not,” I whispered. “We both know it.”

“I do, but my life is not worth this. You paying for my sins.”

I stood, steadying myself. I had my pity party moment. It was time to move forward. “Your life is worth suffering for, Harrison. Because I’m not doing this to pay for your sins. I’m doing this to give value to your love. Mari’s truth was a blow, but we both know she’s not the type of person to hurt anyone on purpose. So you know what that tells me? Your great love is still out there. You’ve just been too focused on Mari to see it.”

Harrison lifted his hand, fixing my veil. “You’re my little sister, and I’ve never said anything like this to you before. You’ve always been as rough as one of the boys, if not tougher.” He grinned, but it was for memories only. “So maybe this isn’t enough, but you’re beautiful, Kee. Cash Kelly deserves to have his heart stop when he sees you. He doesn’t deserve you.”

I smiled. “That’s enough, Harry Boy.” I gave him my arm and he took it. “So you’re going to walk me?”

“Right out the door,” he said underneath his breath. “Because if Kelly doesn’t kill me, Mam will.”

“I’ll leave you out of it,” I said. “Sister’s honor.”

“Nah,” he set his hand over mine. “Let me take this one.”

“Honestly? I’d rather marry Kelly a hundred times then have to face Mam once.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t see this in her tea leaves—the treachery!”

We both grinned—and then our feet stopped. The entire church had been filled with candles, all lit and burning, making the man waiting at the end of the aisle glow. I couldn’t tell whether I was in heaven or hell.

“I didn’t ask for this,” I whispered.

“No, Kelly did,” my brother answered.

I nodded. “Let’s get this over with.”

My brother set his hand over Copyright 2016 - 2024