The Man Who Has No Heart - Victoria Quinn Page 0,85

long conversation with Valerie and me, where she said she wanted me back. Said she wanted us to be together. Said she didn’t want you to replace her. I told her it was never going to happen…and I’d like to be friends.”

“It sounds like it ended on good terms.”

I shrugged. “I really don’t know.”

“Well, I think hiding our relationship was the right choice.”

I sighed loudly.

“I know you don’t like it, but if she said all that, we should just leave it alone.”

I knew she was right—and I hated that she was right about this.

“I consider it to be a breakthrough. It’s the first time you two have really talked about your relationship and moving forward. She knows her behavior is unacceptable—now that her own son addressed it—and she knows she’ll be pushed away if she doesn’t change.”


“So maybe when the weekend is over, you can talk to her about moving here.”

“Yeah. But I told her we’d never get back together, so there’s not much reason for her to.”

“Well, maybe she’ll do the best thing for Derek…for once.”

I looked into her beautiful face, finding her just as gorgeous when her face was clean of makeup. She didn’t need to wear designer clothes and tight skirts to be attractive. She didn’t need to do her hair or put on mascara. She was stunning exactly as she was. My arms hooked around her waist, and I pulled her close, my forehead resting against hers. Once she was against me, I felt myself calm, felt all my troubles melt away. I pictured us at the cabin, Derek falling asleep in front of the fire, her hand in mine under the blanket. That was my happy place, and when things were hard, that was what I thought about…and it somehow made everything better.



Tucker picked me up at my apartment on the way to the restaurant. That way, we would show up together.

I locked my front door, and we walked together.

“Dreading this as much as I am?” Tucker asked as he slid his hands into his pockets.

“Probably more, honestly.”

He chuckled. “She’s staying at my hotel, and I’ve heard my colleagues mention her. Guess she’s a super bitch.”

“No surprise there.” We reached the sidewalk and walked a few blocks to the restaurant.

“What has Deacon said?”

I shrugged. “He and Valerie had a long talk about her behavior. Hopefully some good comes from it.”

“But he didn’t tell her about you?”

I shook my head. “She made it really clear she doesn’t want us to be together.”

He rolled his eyes. “She’s just jealous that you’re hotter than she is.”

I laughed loudly. “I am so not. That woman is like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. I don’t have a body like that, hair like that.”

He shook his head. “She’s gorgeous, I’m not gonna lie, but you’re a natural beauty. You don’t need to wear a ton of makeup or dress provocatively to be sexy. You’re like the girl-next-door type.”


“Trust me. Deacon thinks you’re the sexiest woman on the planet.”

“He said that?” I asked, wearing a smile.

“Not in those words, but the stuff he says about you… He thinks all other women are trolls in comparison.”

My stomach tightened in reaction.

“Yeah, he’s got it bad for you.” Tucker approached the restaurant. “So, you want to hold hands or something?”

“No. Just pull out my chair for me. That should be enough.”

“Got it.” He opened the door for me. “After you.”

I stepped inside first, and then we walked into the restaurant together. Deacon and Valerie sat across from each other at the table, Derek at the head of the table. They didn’t notice us right away.

Tucker walked beside me, close enough that our arms touched.

Deacon turned and looked at me, and instead of being annoyed with his brother’s closeness, his eyes shone like they always did when he saw me.

Derek got excited. “Cleo!” He hopped off the chair.

“He’s more excited to see you than me,” Tucker said in offense. “And I’m his uncle.”

Valerie looked at me, immediately sizing me up, clearly annoyed I was there.

I had purposely dressed in an unremarkable way, wearing jeans and a shirt, ditching the makeup and putting my hair in a ponytail. I wanted Valerie to find me unintimidating, and it meant a lot to me that Deacon didn’t look at me differently, as if nothing had changed.

Derek ran to me. “Cleo, I missed you.”

I didn’t want to brush off his affection just for Valerie’s sake, so I kneeled and hugged him. “I missed you too, Derek. How have you been?”

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