Man of Honor - Bella Di Corte Page 0,55

motioned to my plate. “Try the pancakes.”

Leaving him with these parting words, I went to get up, but Ace took hold of my arm. Every guy at our table stood, and even the staff stopped their jobs and stared. Brando took a step forward, his eyes holding the threat.

Ace released my arm and nodded toward Brando. “He’s going to hurt you. He’s going to mess up. He’s going to break your heart. And when he does, I’ll be the one you come running to.” Taking a piece of my leftover pancake, he rolled it up and popped it into his mouth, then winked at me. “You’re right, darlin’. I think I’ll have the pancakes.”

Chapter Twelve


After the all-night diner, Brando and I decided to head to my father’s land in the country. Since Violet had to be in on our plans, she invited herself. In turn, she invited Mick. Mick invited Mitch. Mitch invited the blonde (Penny). Penny invited her friend, Johnny’s girlfriend, and so on.

By this time I had to convince Brando not to cancel. I didn’t want them to ruin what we had planned. I didn’t know if he would ever agree to do it again.

My father owned over a hundred acres of land and more than enough cabins, I had reminded him. He had agreed, but it felt like a near thing. Ace’s comment about the “surprise in my pocket” had changed his mood, along with the two Italian men in suits. He hadn’t brought up either, but his mood became more brooding, and in turn, he became quieter, closed off.

We stopped at an all-night grocery store, where Brando stood outside with some of the guys and stared inside at me. I took my time searching the aisles. I mostly shopped alone, a plan in my head for how the weekend should go.

Elliott’s death had forced me to broaden my horizons, find other things to do to occupy my time besides dancing. Of course, this was to my mother’s extreme disapproval. It didn’t seem to matter though. For the first time in my life, ignoring her had come easier, and since she knew the reason behind my withdrawal, she seemed to let me slide. For now.

Cooking, of all things, had been something that I found I was good at. So that’s where the majority of my time was spent, looking for actual food. The other girls, who were all older, were more interested in booze and sugar.

Violet and Mitch’s date—Penny—chattered in the next aisle over from me. Suspicion tickled the fine hairs on my body. Violet’s sudden interest in Penny was the transparent hand floating over my intuition.

Without being too obvious, I peeked over the aisle at the two of them.

“Do you really like him?” Violet nudged Penny.

Penny shrugged and called to her friend—she wanted her opinion on wine. I doubted five-dollar wines were going to vary that much in terms of taste, but I kept the opinion to myself. Penny seemed unsuspecting, but I found it odd that Violet followed her around, asking questions aimed at her and Mitch’s relationship. And paired with her reaction at the diner when they walked in, my stomach sank.

I frowned at the bag of flour in my hand before throwing it in the cart and moving on. Perhaps I read too much into it; had to be. Deciding on dessert seemed more important, and a better use of my time—sinful chocolate cake or cinnamon buns?

“Gateau au chocolat,” I muttered, plunking chocolate chips, coffee, and cocoa in my basket. Sugar too.

After a few more rounds, it was time to check out. The other girls were not far behind, a few things piled up in their hands—no cart for them. Determined to make it to the car without using my basket, I lifted one bag, then another, but when I went for another, red and blue swirling lights caught my eye.

Three police cruisers and the sheriff’s car surrounded Mitch’s truck. Mitch and Mick stood with their faces toward the brick exterior, hands up. The sheriff had Brando pinned against the truck.

“Just dandy,” Penny blew her hot, caffeine-laced breath on me. “He’s at it again.”

I squeezed my bags tighter. “What’s going on?”

“Sheriff Stone, he has issues with Brando. He hates him.”

“Why?” I couldn’t look away, hypnotized by the pulsating lights, panic starting to rise.

“Elliott was your brother?” Penny narrowed her eyes at me—the blue eye shadow that decorated her lids seemed like ice in the fluorescent light of the store, and her skin seemed Copyright 2016 - 2024