Man of Honor - Bella Di Corte Page 0,41

wasn’t sure if I was ready to hear this or not.

“You did. My brother told me. You saved his life too. They were all set to go off with that group of people. We just found out yesterday that everyone in the car died. The guy behind the wheel was too drunk, acting too stupid. He hit a tree.”

I took a deep, steadying breath. “What does that have to do with this?” I couldn’t hide the tremble in my voice.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just trying to get you to see reason. There’s something there, between you and Brando, even if he doesn’t talk about it. He’s not much of a talker in general. So you can imagine my surprise when a few years back he pulls me aside and tells me he has something important to ask of me. I was nodding before he even asked me. Because I knew that whatever he needed of me must’ve been important. You are important to him. And that…frigging hillbilly doesn’t deserve you. If Brando says he doesn’t, he doesn’t.”

“I… I…” I couldn’t get the words out. “I can’t keep up with him. I know he wants to protect me. But…” Even though I had a rough time finishing my thought, I found it easier to talk to Mick about Brando than Violet. He knew him better.

“I can’t answer for him, Scarlett. But the next time you talk to him, you might want to ask him why he quit school, why he refused a scholarship to a great college, just to stay here.” He looked around, like here was a horrible place to be. “Sometimes when you get nothing, it’s because you’re asking the wrong questions. Just something to think about.” He fixed Ace with a long, hard stare. “Stay away from him. If not for any other reason but the truth. He knows you’re the most unattainable girl in school. Game on. Challenge accepted.”

He left me in the hall with those parting words, my arms crossed over my chest, my books pressing against my breasts in a painful way.

“Hey,” Ace breathed in my ear.

I jumped. I had forgotten about him. Some of the pressure on my breasts loosened with the scare.

“Are you seeing that guy?”

“What…? Who? Him? Mick? Noooo. He’s Violet’s…” I waved a hand.

“Good.” He placed a hand on my lower back in a possessive move that made me uncomfortable. “Are you ready?” He nodded in the direction of the cafeteria.

I moved out of his reach. “No, I think I’m going to find Violet. I forgot to tell her something.”

He considered that for a moment. “Are you going to the party? The one at the train tracks?”

My eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He smiled, wide and friendly, and the playfulness of it reached his eyes. The indigo color seemed wicked paired with his defiant attitude. Still, compared to Brando, he was nothing but a kid. I could see his point. Times like these, which were rare, made me feel older, much older. As if I belonged in college and not high school. Somehow, for my mother, this situation seemed safer.

“Should be a fun time.” He winked. “I was looking forward to lunch. I’m sure I’ll see you at the party though.” He bent down and picked up the discarded cigarette from Mick’s ear. He grinned at it before he slid it behind his own. “Finders keepers, losers weepers.” He took a few steps and then snapped his fingers, coming to a stop. He turned back toward me. “Check your pocket, Scarlett.”

He disappeared not long after.

I reached into my back pocket, because that’s the only pocket I had—a back one—and pulled out a concert ticket for the Gin Blossoms.

“Let me get this straight.” Violet tugged on my arm to stop me from walking.

I looked up at the clear blue Friday sky. My eyes narrowed against the brightness. It felt good to be outside, to breathe air not shared by others, to be free from the burden of school for the next two days. Buoyancy seemed to bop from one student to the next. Despite earlier issues, I found it contagious.

Pulling my bag forward, I dug through the organized mess for a moment. Elliott’s old sunglasses, a cool pair of Ray-Bans, were in their holder at the bottom of my bag. I slid them over my eyes and then settled the bag over my shoulder once again. A cool breeze blew past, carrying with it the scents of pine and pumpkin. I breathed Copyright 2016 - 2024