Malakai (Stone Society #13) - Faith Gibson Page 0,30

the two of them together?”

“I expected it to be seven days because why not? But it’s until the next full moon,” Nik answered.

“That’s two nights from tonight,” Gregor replied from the back seat.

“Thank you, Nikolas. We’re headed to the hospital now to sit with Josie’s mother. If you would, call Dante and tell him what you found out.”

“I’m going to drive over there on my way back to the manor. Sophia wanted to stay with Sebastian.”

“Tell everyone what’s going on, and we’ll be back as soon as possible.”

“Will do.”

“Are you okay with going to the hospital?” Rafe asked Kaya.

“Yes. Bas is in good hands, and Malakai needs us to do this.”

“And Josie needs protecting from that sister of hers. It’s a good thing I’m family with the police chief, because I swear to you if that bitch starts any more shit about Josie not being good enough for Kai, I’m gonna rip her a new asshole and shove her five-hundred-dollar tennis shoes up both orifices.”

Gregor chuckled. “Tell us how you really feel, Red.”

Kaya turned to her mate. “Since we know this isn’t medical, should we call Jonas and get him involved?”

“He and Caroline took Connor to a science exhibit for the weekend,” Tessa said. “We should call Sabrina instead. She’s already slated to be the new Chief of Staff, so her stepping in won’t seem odd.”

Rafael called Deacon and explained what was going on. With Sabrina on speaker, they came up with a game plan. They had to convince Josie that Gargoyles were real, and Dante and Frey had to somehow pull Kai out of his sorrow.

Chapter Eight

“Kai, Brother, listen to me. Josie is sick. She’s feeling the Auspice of Sevens, and we have to get you to the hospital. Your mate needs you.” Malakai could hear Dante speaking, but he didn’t have the energy to get up. He was doing his best to hold onto his beast, but it was fighting him hard.

Our mate is sick. She needs us.

She rejected us. There’s nothing left for us here.

No! You can’t give up. We’re stronger than this. Do you not feel her pain? I do.

Once we’re gone, she can find a human. The bond will be broken.

No! I refuse to let you give up on her. She’s sick. She needs us to get better.

“Kai, can you hear me?” Frey asked. Kai nodded, but he couldn’t answer his boss when he was fighting so hard with the Goyle inside. Kai wasn’t ready to give up.

“Nikolas said we have until the next full moon to get Josie to agree to the mate bond. That’s two days, Kai. You can’t give up yet.”

“Not… fighting…” Kai knew he wasn’t explaining it right to the other male, but he was barely hanging on to the shifter part of himself. He was afraid if he let go of the connection long enough to explain what he was going through to Dante and Frey, he would never get it back.

“You have to fight. There is nothing more important than your mate. You know this. You can’t let her suffer, and she is. Rafael said she’s burning up with fever and delirious. Come on, Kai. Fight!” Frey all but yelled. Kai squeezed his eyes closed. He couldn’t stand the anguish in the other male’s voice. Kai knew he was the cause of it, but he couldn’t worry about Frey now. He had to focus all his energy on his beast.

Just let me go.

Never. We’ve only had four hundred years together. Now we’ve found our mate, and I want at least four hundred more years to spend with her and our children.

His beast didn’t respond. Instead, it let out a deep sigh in Kai’s head.

Don’t do this! Don’t pull away!

Kai reached deep, but there was only the smallest twinge when he searched for his Goyle.

“Josie, Malakai needs you. He’s really sick, like you are. Neither of you will get better if you aren’t together. Please, Josie, wake up.”

Josie couldn’t tell what was real anymore. She’d heard her mother and sister fighting. Words being thrown around like coma and quarantine. She didn’t think she was in a coma because the pain was too intense. If she were in a coma, wouldn’t she feel nothing? Josie heard other voices talking about her and Kai being together, but the one voice she kept holding onto was the one who told her sister off. The same voice talking to her now. At least she thought someone was in the room with her.

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