Make Quilts Not War - By Arlene Sachitano Page 0,57

shouldn’t you be at home resting?”

“We’re on our way home from the doctor. Don’t tell my aunt we were here.” Harriet glanced at Carla. “Unless she asks, that is.”

“Do you have food at home for me to make you lunch?” Carla asked as they walked back to the car. “Or do I need to swing by the store and pick something up?”

“I have stuff,” Harriet said. “But I would like to make one more brief stop.”

Carla sighed.

“I hope your aunt doesn’t come by to check on you while we’re still out.”

“This will only take a minute. I’m going to call Lauren and find out if her guys know where Bobby is. If they do, we’ll go have a chat with him.”

“Who are her guys?”

“Long story, but the short version is, her personal geek squad is playing private surveillance.”

“Detective Morse isn’t going to like that,” Carla said.

“Only if she finds out,” Harriet said with a laugh. “Don’t worry, it will be fine. Lauren’s people aren’t interfering with the police. They’re just watching and reporting back to Lauren.”

Carla sighed—something she’d been doing a lot of lately.

“If this is too much for you, I can see if Lauren can pick me up. I know she’s curious about what’s going on.”

“I’m sorry. It’s not that I’m not curious,” Carla said. “It’s all the drama going on at Aiden’s. I’m afraid I’m going to have to quit my job.” Tears filled her dark blue eyes.

“I knew it was bad, but I didn’t think it would come to this. Do you need a place to stay? I know Connie would be happy to have you, too.”

“I don’t want to leave Aiden. He’s not handling things very well, and I know my being there helps, but I don’t want Wendy to grow up thinking it’s okay to let people abuse you. And make no mistake—living with Michelle is daily abuse.”

“We can go home,” Harriet said. “I’m being selfish.”

Carla used the heels of her hands to wipe her eyes.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be complaining to you when you’re not well. The distraction is probably just what I need. If we sit around your house too long, I’ll just worry about what to do. Besides, look.” She pointed at Wendy, who had fallen asleep in her car seat while they were talking. “She’s been missing a lot of naps lately.” She helped Harriet into the passenger seat. “It’ll be better if we let Wendy sleep for a while. I can sit in the car with her if Lauren tells you where Jenny’s brother is.”

“Are you sure? We can wait and see what Robin says. She’ll make Jenny talk to her brother eventually.”

“No, let’s do this thing,” Carla said and started her car.

Chapter 21

Harriet fumbled one-handed in her purse, trying to locate her phone.

“Here, let me do that,” Carla said, and put the car into park. She reached into Harriet’s bag and came out with the phone. “Is she in your favorites list?”

Harriet nodded, and Carla swiped the touch screen open then pressed it twice and handed the phone to her.

“Lauren?” she said. “Do you know where Bobby is?”

“Not sure.”

“What’s that mean?”

“The two guys on watch said he showed up at Jenny’s last night. She wasn’t home because, of course, she was at your house. He went around to the back, and they haven’t seen him since. They don’t know if he made them and went on out through her back yard, or if he’s still in the house.

“Jenny came by and went out a few minutes later with an overnight bag. If she talked to him, it didn’t take long. Just to be sure, the rest of the watchers checked out all the other locations they’ve seen him at, but no luck. Their best guess is that he’s still inside.”

“That’s weird.”

“Well, there you go. This whole thing has been weird, if you ask me.”

“I talked to DeAnn on the way home from my doctor appointment, and she says Jenny and Robin looked for Bobby with no luck.”

“Did they check Jenny’s house?”

“Not that DeAnn said. She said they checked the homeless camp and the churches.”

“My guys just observed, they didn’t approach the house. Maybe you should try that. If you’re out and not resting like you’re supposed to anyway. I’d go, but I’m finishing up some work so I can do your booth this afternoon.”

“I do appreciate that,” Harriet said. “Carla and I can at least go by and try the doorbell.”

“Let me know what you find out,” Lauren said. Copyright 2016 - 2024